[C++-sig] Re: Allocating objects on the heap by default.

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Tue Jul 8 21:38:57 CEST 2003

>>>>> "DA" == David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> writes:

    >> How about holder(A, 'std::auto_ptr'), holder(A,
    >> 'boost::shared_ptr'), holder(A, 'user::smart_ptr').

    DA> I dislike that because it assumes too much about the way to
    DA> spell the smart pointer type: it would have to be of the form
    DA> 'pointer_name<PointeeName>', which rules out,
    DA> e.g. 'pointer_name<PointeeName, myAllocator>'.

    >> Internally the HeldType will add the right template parameter?
    >> But what if the smart pointer is not a templated class?

    DA> That's why I was suggesting

    DA>        holder(class_ID, unary_callable)

    DA> The callable object is free to form the string any way it
    DA> likes.

    >> In that case we'd need to use something like this:
    >> holder(A, 'std::auto_ptr< %s >'), holder(A, 'user::smart_ptr').
    DA>                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    DA> I don't understand what this part is illustrating.

It is illustrating a user namespace with a smart_ptr class that is not
templated.  It does not matter.

I don't see the point of the callable function.  It only seems to
complicate the interface.  When writing Pyste files the user *will*
know the name of the class and will know what smart pointer he/she
wants to use.  In that case I see nothing wrong with the user
specifying the entire HeldType i.e. holder('std::auto_ptr<A>') or
holder('pointer_name<PointeeName, myAllocator>') or whatever they
choose.  The callable function simply adds another unnecessary layer to
this and ends up doing the same thing by generating a string that
specifies the smart pointer.


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