[C++-sig] Re: Boost.Python: few thoughts and questions...

Paul Rudin paul.rudin at ntlworld.com
Fri Jun 13 06:43:12 CEST 2003

David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> writes:

> Roman Sulzhyk <roman_sulzhyk at yahoo.com> writes:
> > 3. Specifying the set_policy() for virtual functions
> >
> > It appears that the policy setting is ignored for virtual function
> > declarations.
> What makes you think so?

foo.h is:


class foo {
  virtual foo* bar();


foo.pyste is:


foo = AllFromHeader('./foo.h')

then (current cvs) pyste gives you:


// Includes ====================================================================
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <./foo.h>

// Using =======================================================================
using namespace boost::python;

// Declarations ================================================================

namespace  {

struct foo_Wrapper: foo
    foo_Wrapper(PyObject* self_, const foo & p0):
        foo(p0), self(self_) {}

    foo_Wrapper(PyObject* self_):
        foo(), self(self_) {}

    foo * bar() {
        return call_method< foo * >(self, "bar");

    foo * default_bar() {
        return foo::bar();

    PyObject* self;

}// namespace 

// Module ======================================================================
    class_< foo, foo_Wrapper >("foo", init<  >())
        .def(init< const foo & >())
        .def("bar", &foo::bar, &foo_Wrapper::default_bar)



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