[C++-sig] Documentation suggestion

Paul F. Kunz Paul_Kunz at SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jun 17 17:15:19 CEST 2003

   Speaking of documentation, may I make a suggestion for an addition
to the tutorial.  I would have liked to have seen a section on the
handling of singleton class.  This would bring into the tutorial two
issues I don't believe are currently in the tutorial.  How to handle a
class where the constructors, i.e. default constructor and copy
constructor, are private and how to handle static methods.

   After many hours of trying things and reading the reference manual,
I came ups with this..

  class_ < NTupleController, bases<>,
    NTupleController, boost::noncopyable > ( "NTupleController", 
					     no_init )
    .def ( "instance",  &NTupleController::instance,
	   return_value_policy < reference_existing_object >  () )
    .staticmethod( "instance" )

Did I get it right?

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