[C++-sig] is_polymorphic and unions (was: Pyste and STL types)

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Wed Mar 19 01:06:32 CET 2003

Nicodemus <nicodemus at globalite.com.br> writes:

>>Is this happening somewhere in the type traits code?  Can you post an
>>instantiation backtrace?
> It seems to be. Here's the error message:

I guess the question here is: "should
is_polymorphic<some_union>::value compile?"

If so, then we have a bug in is_polymorphic.  If not, we should
change all uses of is_polymorphic<T> in 


         mpl::and_<is_class<T>, is_polymorphic<T> >

You can make this patch yourself in Boost.Python as an interim
measure to see if it makes wrapping unions work.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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