[C++-sig] std::string& parameter

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Fri Mar 21 13:34:40 CET 2003

"Jochen Heckl" <jochen.heckl at novatrix.de> writes:

> I wan't to retrieve strings via out parameter.  Isn't there some
> predefined solution, so I do not have to export class_< std::string >
> on my own ?

What is your problem with that?

> The problem is:
> class A { bool DoSomethingWithString< std::string& o_String > }
                                      ^                       ^
You must mean something else, right?--^-----------------------^
These were supposed to be parens?

> class_<A>( "A" ) .def( "DoSomethingWithString",
> &A::DoSomethingWithString ) ;
> to be able to call A::DoSomethingWithString() I must also export
> class_< std::string >( "STLString" ) ;
> but I don't want to kind of "reinvent the wheel". Isn't there a
> standard solution for that ?

Considering that Python strings are immutable, no there is not.  If
you want to avoid wrapping std::string, you could add a thin wrapper
over your member function and wrap that:

     tuple DoSomethingWithString(A& self, std::string s)
        bool x = self.DoSomethingWithString(s);
        return make_tuple(x, s);

class_<A>( "A" )
	.def(	"DoSomethingWithString",
		DoSomethingWithString )

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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