[C++-sig] How to exclude a function from being exported using pyste.

Giulio Eulisse Giulio.Eulisse at cern.ch
Thu Mar 27 09:31:21 CET 2003

> exclude(Match(C.Name, 'const')) # to get the "const" version of the function
> But I have no idea if this system is reliable, or how it would work exactly.
> Does any one have a good suggestion on this?

For what I'm concerned that would be a nice start, as I'm interested in 
masking functions accessing classes I have not "pystified" yet. For 


would be very useful to me as it would permit to have pythonized qstrings 
without having to deal with all QDataStream related classes...;-)
Anyway what I'm also trying to do is to have a XSL stylesheet which does 
the same done by pyste, I'll tell you if it gets any good...


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