[C++-sig] method_call_expr not supported by dump_expr

Paul F. Kunz Paul_Kunz at SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Thu May 22 16:03:20 CEST 2003

>>>>> On Thu, 22 May 2003 10:51:51 -0300, "Marcelo A. Camelo" <camelo at esss.com.br> said:

> Hi!!!  While porting my code to Linux, I got the following error
> message from GCC 3.3:

> 	sorry, unimplemented: ` method_call_expr' not supported by
> dump_expr

> On win32 I use Intel C++ 7.0, without trouble.

> I'm only beginning to search for the offending piece of code but,
> from the archives, I've found that David has already faced this
> problem. So I wonder if him, or anyone else in the list, can give me
> hints about what I'm doing wrong.

   David says it is a GCC 3.3 compiler bug.   Revert to gcc 3.2 or
earlier will get around the problem.   

   The offending line seem to be in
`boost/python/converter/as_to_python_function.hpp'.   I tried
commenting it out and didn't get any ill effects.

    static PyObject* convert(void const* x)
//             sizeof(
//                 convert_function_must_take_value_or_const_reference(&ToPython::convert, 1L))
//             == sizeof(int));

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