[C++-sig] Re: no matching function for call

Cyril Bonnard cyril.bonnard at cirad.fr
Fri May 23 09:04:10 CEST 2003

David Abrahams wrote:

>Cyril Bonnard <cyril.bonnard at cirad.fr> writes:
>>David Abrahams wrote:
>>>Cyril Bonnard <cyril.bonnard at cirad.fr> writes:
>>>>If someone could help me on theses errors.......
>>>>I just can't explain why the following code (line 17) doesn't work fine:
>>>>error is:
>>>>appe_color.cpp: In function `void init_module_appe_color()':
>>>>appe_color.cpp:17: no matching function for call to
>>>>boost::python::class_<Color3, boost::python::detail::not_specified,
>>>>boost::python::detail::not_specified>::def_readonly(const char[6],
>>>>const Color3*)
>>>I think this one is fixed now.  Please try the latest CVS.
>>i am sorry i've done a cvs update an try it again:
>> .def_readonly("BLACK", &Color3::BLACK) //line 17
>>appe_color.cpp:17: no matching function for call to
>>boost::python::class_<Color3, boost::python::detail::not_specified,
>>boost::python::detail::not_specified>::def_readonly(const char[6],
>>const Color3*)'
>>scons: *** [appe_color.os] Error 1
>>scons: done building targets.
>Please (always when asking for help) post a small, complete,
>reproducible test case which shows what you expect to work and what
>you expect the results to be.  Trying to extrapolate from what you've
>supplied is not working out for me.  The following compiles with the
>current CVS state:
>    #include <boost/python.hpp>
>    using namespace boost::python;
>    struct Color3
>    {
>      static const Color3 BLACK;
>    };
>    {
>        class_< Color3 >("Color3", init< const Color3 & >())
>            .def_readonly("BLACK", &Color3::BLACK)   // line 17
>            ;
>    }
it's ok for me too (i try an other update). I will follow your advices 
for future ;)

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