[C++-sig] Re: Mac OS 10 success

Rene Rivera grafik666 at redshift-software.com
Sat May 24 18:29:07 CEST 2003

[2003-05-24] Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

>--- Rene Rivera <grafik666 at redshift-software.com> wrote:
>> The two things you should need to set for it to work are the location of
>> compiler and the version of python:
>>     bjam -sGCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/gcc-3.3 -sPYTHON_VERSION=2.3 ...
>I had to make a few changes to darwin-tools.jam:

OK, all those changes are now in CVS, in some form or other.


>The rule for linking the embedding example does not work:
>    /usr/local_cci/gcc-3.3/bin/g++  -g  -o
> \
>    -lpython2.3 -ldl -lutil -lboost_python  \
>      -framework /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/Python   
>/usr/bin/ld: can't locate file for: -lpython2.3
>I am not sure what to do here because I am not familiar with embedding,
>but I think
>has no effect and should be omitted everywhere.

I have no clue either about embeding either. But in a hope of having it not
error I removed the -lpython2.3 for the embeding targets.

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- rrivera at acm.org - grafik at redshift-software.com
-- 102708583 at icq

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