[C++-sig] missing boost::ref in pyste generated code?

Giulio Eulisse giulio.eulisse at cern.ch
Mon May 26 16:40:18 CEST 2003

With the following piece of code:


#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class Ev {
  Ev(int ii) : i(ii) {
    cout <<  "EV " << i << endl;

  virtual ~Ev() {
    cout << "dead Ev " << i << endl;


  int id() const { return i;}

  virtual void me() const=0;

  int i;

class REv : public Ev {
  REv(int ii) : Ev(ii){}

  virtual void me() const {
    cout <<  "ReV " << id() << endl;

class AA {
  AA() : i(1) {
    cout << "AA " << i << endl;

  virtual ~AA() {
    cout << "dead AA " << i << endl;


  int id() const { return i;}

  virtual void dump() {
    cout << "I'm a AA " << i << endl;

  virtual void here(Ev* ev) const=0;
  virtual void there(Ev const&) const=0;

  int i;

class BB : public AA {
  BB(int jj=2) : j(jj) {
    cout << "BB " << j << endl;

  virtual ~BB() {
    cout << "dead BB " << j << endl;


  int jd() const { return j;}

  virtual void dump() {
    cout << "I'm a BB " << j << endl;

  virtual void here(Ev* ev) const {
    cout << "I'm a BB " << j <<" ";
  virtual void there(Ev const& ev) const {
    cout << "I'm a BB " << j <<" ";

  int j;

inline void hello(AA* a, int k) { REv v(k); a->here(&v);}
inline void hello2(AA* a, int k) { REv v(k); a->there(v);}

when pystified with 

Ev = Class("Ev","Utilities/UtExamples/python/btest.hh")
REv = Class("REv","Utilities/UtExamples/python/btest.hh")
AA = Class("AA","Utilities/UtExamples/python/btest.hh")
BB = Class("BB","Utilities/UtExamples/python/btest.hh")

hello = Function("hello","Utilities/UtExamples/python/btest.hh")
hello2 = Function("hello2","Utilities/UtExamples/python/btest.hh")


I get the following boostified code:

// Includes
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <Utilities/UtExamples/python/btest.hh>
#include <Utilities/UtExamples/python/stest.hh>

// Using
using namespace boost::python;

// Declarations

namespace  {

struct AA_Wrapper: AA
    AA_Wrapper(PyObject* self_, const AA & p0):
        AA(p0), self(self_) {}

    AA_Wrapper(PyObject* self_):
        AA(), self(self_) {}

    void dump() {
        call_method< void >(self, "dump");

    void default_dump() {

    void here(Ev * p0) const {
        call_method< void >(self, "here", p0); //should be 					      

    void there(const Ev & p0) const {
        call_method< void >(self, "there", p0); //should be

    PyObject* self;

struct Ev_Wrapper: Ev
    Ev_Wrapper(PyObject* self_, const Ev & p0):
        Ev(p0), self(self_) {}

    Ev_Wrapper(PyObject* self_, int p0):
        Ev(p0), self(self_) {}

    void me() const {
        call_method< void >(self, "me");

    PyObject* self;

struct BB_Wrapper: BB
    BB_Wrapper(PyObject* self_, const BB & p0):
        BB(p0), self(self_) {}

    BB_Wrapper(PyObject* self_):
        BB(), self(self_) {}

    BB_Wrapper(PyObject* self_, int p0):
        BB(p0), self(self_) {}

    void dump() {
        call_method< void >(self, "dump");

    void default_dump() {

    void here(Ev * p0) const {
        call_method< void >(self, "here", p0); //should be 					      

    void default_here(Ev * p0) const {

    void there(const Ev & p0) const {
        call_method< void >(self, "there", p0);

    void default_there(const Ev & p0) const {

    PyObject* self;

struct REv_Wrapper: REv
    REv_Wrapper(PyObject* self_, const REv & p0):
        REv(p0), self(self_) {}

    REv_Wrapper(PyObject* self_, int p0):
        REv(p0), self(self_) {}

    void me() const {
        call_method< void >(self, "me");

    void default_me() const {

    PyObject* self;

}// namespace

// Module
    class_< AA, boost::noncopyable, AA_Wrapper >("AA", init<  >())
        .def("id", &AA::id)
        .def("dump", &AA::dump, &AA_Wrapper::default_dump)

    class_< Ev, boost::noncopyable, Ev_Wrapper >("Ev", init< int >())
        .def("id", &Ev::id)

    class_< BB, bases< AA > , BB_Wrapper >("BB", init< const BB & >())
        .def(init< optional< int > >())
        .def("jd", &BB::jd)
        .def("dump", &BB::dump, &BB_Wrapper::default_dump)
        .def("here", &BB::here, &BB_Wrapper::default_here)
        .def("there", &BB::there, &BB_Wrapper::default_there)

    class_< REv, bases< Ev > , REv_Wrapper >("REv", init< const REv &
        .def(init< int >())
        .def("me", &REv::me, &REv_Wrapper::default_me)

    class_< T >("T", init<  >())
        .def(init< const T & >())

    def("hello", &hello);
    def("hello2", &hello2);


this fails when doing the following in python:

>>> from PyUtExamples import *
>>> b = BB()
AA 1
BB 2
>>> hello2(b,4)
EV 4
dead Ev 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: 2Ev

as it seem to pass Ev by value, instead of passing it by reference.
We fixed it by adding boost::ref where indicated in the sourcecode as
otherwise it tries to pass things by value. Is this a bug or am I doing
something wrong?


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