[C++-sig] Re: Support for Indexing and Iteration Safety

Mike Rovner mike at bindkey.com
Thu May 29 22:44:09 CEST 2003

>            >>> x = foo[10].bar
>            >>> del foo[10]  # erase the 10th item
>            >>> print x

What about having x a weak reference which del will reset to None.

>            >>> x = foo[10]
>            >>> foo[10] = y
>            >>> print x, y
>         Now you'll see that x and y are always identical, because x
>         refers to the place in the array where you've written the
>         value of y.

It's ok, because Python have explicit copy semantics
The list isn't the only model.

>      4. Similar problem with exposed iterators:
>          change out from under you.  The above could lead to a crash
>          or bogus results.

bogus results are ok because it's the same as in Python - changing a list
under loop can lead to skiping an element or visiting it twice.

> know how many people care.

I think if it will put some restriction on usage it is ok with me.


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