[C++-sig] Boost.Python, AIX, and gcc

J. Michael Owen mikeowen at llnl.gov
Tue Nov 4 00:25:23 CET 2003

I've been trying to use the latest Boost.Python with gcc on AIX, which is always
fun with AIX's strange dynamic library system.  I now have it working after
modifying the some of the jam build files, and one source file.  The files I've
altered are:


I'm attaching copies of my versions of these files to this message (current
against the latest CVS), in the hopes that Dave (or someone) will look at
incoroporating these changes.  The jam changes all seem innocuous enough, but
the change to type_with_alignment.hpp is something of a hack.  The problem lines
are in the definition of the class type_with_alignment: the following static
assertion (on line 136) fails on AIX with gcc:
    BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(found >= Align);

with error messages like
/g/g12/owen/Spheral++/aix/boost/boost/type_traits/type_with_alignment.hpp: In instantiation of `boost::type_with_alignment<8>':
/g/g12/owen/Spheral++/aix/boost/boost/python/object/instance.hpp:31:   instantiated from `boost::python::objects::instance<boost::python::objects::value_holder<Derived> >'
/g/g12/owen/Spheral++/aix/boost/boost/python/object/instance.hpp:47:   instantiated from `boost::python::objects::additional_instance_size<boost::python::objects::value_holder<Derived> >'
/g/g12/owen/Spheral++/aix/boost/boost/python/class.hpp:607:   instantiated from `void boost::python::class_<T, X1, X2, X3>::register_holder() [with T = Derived, X1 = boost::python::bases<Base, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_>, X2 = boost::python::detail::not_specified, X3 = boost::python::detail::not_specified]'
/g/g12/owen/Spheral++/aix/boost/boost/python/class.hpp:268:   instantiated from `boost::python::class_<T, X1, X2, X3>::class_(const char*, const boost::python::init_base<DerivedT>&) [with DerivedT = boost::python::init<boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_>, T = Derived, X1 = boost::python::bases<Base, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_, boost::mpl::void_>, X2 = boost::python::detail::not_specified, X3 = boost::python::detail::not_specified]'
Test.cc:30:   instantiated from here
/g/g12/owen/Spheral++/aix/boost/boost/type_traits/type_with_alignment.hpp:136: `sizeof'
   applied to incomplete type `boost::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE<false>'

I don't know enough about the internals here to fix this problem correctly, but
since I noticed that these static assertions are already skipped for some
architectures I just added AIX to the list of architectures that skip them.
This doesn't seem like a very satisfactory solution though -- any suggestions?

Anyway, with these changes I've been able to successfully build and use small
test python extensions using Boost.Python on AIX.  I'll be pushing this much
harder with large complex extension modules shortly.


 "Hey...where are the sunflower seeds?" |       J. Michael Owen         
        o_o /                           |       
        (")                             |       Email:  mikeowen at llnl.gov
       \/'\/                            |
-------------- next part --------------
#  (C) Copyright David Abrahams and Carlos Pinto Coelho 2001. Permission to
#  copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software is granted provided this
#  copyright notice appears in all copies. This software is provided "as is"
#  without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability
#  for any purpose.
# Jamrules file by David Abrahams (abrahams at mediaone.net) and Carlos Pinto
# Coelho (cfspc at altrabroadband.com).

# Notes on the design of the system:
# This system is designed to support building the "same" targets with multiple
# build tool suites (e.g. msvc, gcc,...)  and build variants (e.g. debug,
# release...). Although it currently varies across two dimensions, it should
# trivially support extension to three or more, e.g. in case of cross-platform
# builds. The word "same" is written in quotes above because internally,
# separate targets are generated for each unique toolset/build-variant
# combination.
# Specifics of build tool suites are specified in files with names of the form
# "<name>-tools.jam", where <name> is the name used to identify the tool suite.

# Workarounds for Jam limitations:
# 1. Jam supports something like the setting of attributes on targets using the
#    syntax:
#       <name> on <target> = <expression>
#    This facility is used to control build actions for individual targets
#    (target-specific variables take precedence over global ones when build
#    actions # are executed). An obvious approach would be to use target
#    attributes to hold # properties of build tools (e.g. where to find the
#    standard includes).  # Unfortunately, although you can write target
#    attributes, there is no way to # read them. Instead, we take advantage of
#    two properties of Jam:
#    a. A variable name can be formed by evaluating an expression. For example,
#       the following rule, appends FOOBAR to its first argument to form the
#       name of a new variable, which is given the value "baz"
#          rule X { $(1)FOOBAR = baz ; }
#    b. Any character is allowed in a variable name. So, although they are
#       actually global variables, we can form names like <name>.c++-flags thus:
#          C++FLAGS = $($(1).c++-flags) # Get the c++-flags "attribute" from $(1)
# 2. There is no way to call a rule based on the value of a variable
#    other than by using a switch statement. Because that approach requires
#    intrusive changes to rules when the system is extended, we have avoided
#    it. Instead, we have taken advantage of two "features" of Jam:
#    a. The name of a file to be included can be computed from an
#       expression. For example, the following includes a file whose name is
#       formed by concatenating $(1) and "-tools.jam":
#           include $(1)-tools.jam 
#    b. A rule can be redefined any number of times. Its latest definition is
#       the one invoked. For example, the following prints "#2".
#           rule X { ECHO #1 ; }
#           rule X { ECHO #2 ; }
#           X ;
#    Together, these facts allow us to select tool-suite-specific actions for
#    building specific target types by repeatedly redefining the generalized
#    build actions in the various <build-tools>-tools.jam files

if $(NT)
    TOOLS ?= borland gcc metrowerks msvc ;
    TOOLS ?= gcc ;


# detect-build-tools <tools-name> : <detection-command>
# Declares a pseudotarget for the specified build tools which is built by
# the given <detection-command>. 
# Although not currently implemented, the plan is to make compilation of
# tool-specific targets dependent on this pseudotarget. That way, we will never
# even attempt to build targets for tools that don't exist.
rule detect-build-tools
    detection-command on $(<) = $($(<).bin-directory)$(>) ;

# lib: generator function
rule library-file
    LibraryFromObjects $(<) : [ Objects $(>) ] ;

# exe: generator function
rule executable-file
    type-DEPENDS exe : $(<) ;
    main-from-objects $(<) : [ Objects $(>) ] : EXE ;

# dll: generator function
rule dll-files ( module implib ? : sources * : target-type ? )
    type-DEPENDS dll : $(<) ;
    # Set up the import library dependency on Windows
    if $(<[2])
        INCLUDES $(<[1]) : $(<[2-]) ;
        INCLUDES $(<[2-]) : $(<[1]) ;
    target-type ?= DLL ;
    if [ MATCH ^(CRAY).* : $(JAMUNAME[-1]) ] # no shared libs on cray
        NOTFILE $(<) ;
        main-from-objects $(<) : [ Objects $(>) ] : $(target-type) ;

# template: modifier function
# The target specs are modified by adding those previously specified in a template source.
# Any specs containing paths are rerooted to correctly reference the dependee locations.
rule template-modifier ( target : source )
    local source-dir = [ directory-of $(source:G=) ] ;
    local source-id = [ target-id-of $(source) ] ;
    # Make sure it's defined.
    if ! $(gTARGET_TYPE($(source-id)))
        dependent-include $(source:G=) ;
    # Copy the base specs into the target specs, adjust any paths
    gTARGET_SOURCES($(target)) +=
        [ root-paths $(gTARGET_SOURCES($(source-id))) : $(source-dir) ] ;
    gTARGET_DEPS($(target)) +=
        [ root-paths $(gTARGET_DEPS($(source-id))) : $(source-dir) ] ;
    gTARGET_REQUIREMENTS($(target)) +=
        [ fixup-path-properties $(gTARGET_REQUIREMENTS($(source-id))) : $(source-dir) ] ;
    gTARGET_DEFAULT_BUILD($(target)) +=
        $(gTARGET_DEFAULT_BUILD($(source-id))) ;

# main-from-objects exe-target : obj-target... : ("EXE"|"DLL")
# generate instructions to build the given "main" target from the given object
# files given in the 2nd parameter. The 3rd parameter should be EXE for an
# executable, or DLL for a shared library.
rule main-from-objects ( targets * : objects * : type )
    # make compiled sources a dependency of target

    MakeLocate $(targets) : $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;

    Clean clean : $(targets) ;

    MODE on $(targets) = $($(type)MODE) ;
    local link-function = Link-$(type) ;
    local extra-files = [ $(link-function) $(targets) : $(objects) : $(type) ] ;
    Chmod $(targets[1]) ;
    DEPENDS $(targets) : $(objects) ;
    # locate and attach the extra files generated
    if $(extra-files)
        MakeLocate $(extra-files) : $(LOCATE_TARGET) ;
        DEPENDS $(targets) : $(extra-files) ;
    gFILES($(targets[1])) = $(targets) $(extra-files) ;

rule Link-EXE
    # N.B. By the time this rule is invoked, we had better have gRUN_PATH completely set.
    local extra-files = [ Link-action $(<) : $(>) : EXE ] ;
    RUN_PATH on $(<) = [ join [ unique $(gRUN_PATH($(<))) $(gTOOLSET_LIB_PATH) ] : $(SPLITPATH) ] ;
    if $(UNIX) 
        RUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH on $(<) = [ join $(gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(<))) : $(SPLITPATH) ] ;
    return $(extra-files) ;

rule Link-DLL
    gRUN_PATH($(<)) += $(gLOCATE($(<[1]))) $(gTOOLSET_LIB_PATH) ;
    if $(UNIX) 
        RUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH on $(<) = [ join $(gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(<))) : $(SPLITPATH) ] ;
        gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(<)) += $(gLOCATE($(<[1]))) ;

        if $(OS) = AIX
            Aix-Implib-Action $(<) : $(>) ;
    return [ Link-action $(<) : $(>) : DLL ] ;

rule Aix-Implib-Action
    SPACE on $(<) = " " ;

actions Aix-Implib-Action bind import-generator-script
    "$(BOOST_ROOT)/tools/build/v1/gen_aix_import_file.py" $(<[1]:BD=) $(>:D=) "-directory=$(<[1]:D)" -verbose=1

# store the shell's PATH again, just in case someone uses PATH.
# This also allows the user to customize the base path for running built
# products from the command-line
if $(UNIX)
    gAPPEND_PATH = ":$"PATH ;
if $(NT)
    # Try some other likely spellings
    RUN_PATH ?= $(Path) ;
    RUN_PATH ?= $(path) ;
    gAPPEND_PATH =  ";%PATH%" ;

# Now set this, just in case someone tries to use it.
if $(UNIX)

DOLLAR = "$" ;
# A simple action to run an executable target
if $(UNIX) 
    actions Run
        $(<) $(COMMAND-LINE)
    actions Run
        $(<) $(COMMAND-LINE)

# bubble variable-name
# Helper function for sort, below
# Removes the greatest element from $(variable-name) and returns it.
rule bubble # 
    local result = ;
    local last = $($(<)[1]) ;
    for x in $($(<)[2-])
        if $(last) <= $(x)
            result += $(last) ;
            last = $(x) ;
            result += $(x) ;
    $(<) = $(result) ;
    return $(last) ;

# sort args
# return args sorted in lexicographic order.
rule sort
    local _all = $(<) ;
    local _result = ;
    local _count ;
    for _count in $(<)
        _result = [ bubble _all ] $(_result) ;
    return $(_result) ;

# min args
# return the lexicographic minimum element of args
rule min
    local result = ;
    local x ;
    for x in $(<)
        if ! $(result) || ( $(x) < $(result) )
            result = $(x) ;
    return $(result) ;

# difference listB : listA
# returns the elements of B that are not in A
rule difference
    local result = ;
    local element ;
    for element in $(<)
        if ! ( $(element) in $(>) )
            result += $(element) ;
    return $(result) ;

# replace list : old-value new-value
# returns list with occurrences of old-value replaced by new-value
rule replace
    local result = ;
    local x ;
    for x in $(<)
        if $(x) = $(>[1])
            result += $(>[2]) ;
            result += $(x) ;
    return $(result) ;

# select-ungristed list...
# Returns the elements of list that have no grist
rule select-ungristed
    local result x ;
    for x in $(<)
        if ! $(x:G)
            result += $(x) ;
    return $(result) ;

rule select-gristed ( list * )
    local result ;
    for local x in $(list)
        if $(x:G)
            result += $(x) ;
    return $(result) ;

# Returns grist without "<"/">" for elements matching "<.*>",
# and ignores other elements.
rule ungrist ( names * )
    local result ;
    for local name in $(names)
        local stripped = [ MATCH ^<(.*)>$ : $(name) ] ;
        result += $(stripped) ;
    return $(result) ;

# Split a qualified property into 3 elements. 
# Grammar description of qualified-property :
#   [[<toolset>]<variant>]property
# returns <toolset> <variant> property
# missing <toolset> or <variant> are treated as <*>
rule split-qualified-property
    local grist1 = $(<:G) ;
    local ungrist1 = $(<:G=) ;
    local grist2 = $(ungrist1:G) ;
    local ungrist2 = $(ungrist1:G=) ;
    local grist3 = $(ungrist2:G) ;
    local ungrist3 = $(ungrist2:G=) ;
    if $(grist3)
        return $(grist1) $(grist2) $(grist3)$(ungrist3) ;
    else if $(grist2)
        return <*> $(grist1) $(grist2)$(ungrist2) ;
        return <*> <*> $(<) ;

rule unique # list
    local result = ;
    local f ;
    for f in $(<)
        if ! $(f) in $(result)
            result += $(f) ;
    return $(result) ;

# get-properties features : properties
# Given a list of gristed features and a list of properties, returns the
# properties matching the given features.
rule get-properties 
    local result = ;
    local property ;
    for property in $(>)
        if $(property:G) in $(<)
            result += $(property) ;
    return $(result) ;
# get-values features : properties
# Given a list of gristed feature names and a list of properties, returns the
# value(s) of the given features.
rule get-values
    local _properties = [ get-properties $(<) : $(>) ] ;
    return $(_properties:G=) ;

# normalize-properties properties
# Normalizes a set of (possibly qualified) properties by prepending <*> as many
# times as neccessary to ensure that each property has at least 3 gristed elements.
rule normalize-properties
    local property ;
    local result ;
    for property in $(<)
        switch $(property)
            case <*><*><*><*@*>* : result += $(property) ;
            case <*><*><*@*>* : result += <*>$(property) ;
            case <*><*@*>* : result += <*><*>$(property) ;
            case <*@*>* : result += <*><*><*>$(property) ;
            case <*><*><*>* : result += $(property) ;
            case <*><*>* : result += <*>$(property) ;
            case <*>* : result += <*><*>$(property) ;
            case * : result += <*><*><*>$(property) ;
    return $(result) ;

# intersection set1 : set2
# Removes from set1 any items which don't appear in set2 and returns the result.
rule intersection 
    local result v ;
    for v in $(<)
        if $(v) in $(>)
            result += $(v) ;
    return $(result) ;

# subset sub : super
# Returns true iff sub is a subset of super, empty otherwise
rule is-subset
    if [ intersection $(<) : $(>) ] = $(<)
        return true ;

# distribute-feature <feature>value1[/value2...]
# Distribute the given feature across the slash-separated set of values, i.e.
# returns <feature>value1[ <feature>/value2...]
rule distribute-feature
    local g = $(<:G) ;
    local result = [ split-path $(<:G=) ] ;
    return $(g)$(result) ;

# set-insert variable-name : value... ;
# Appends the given values to the list designated by variable-name if they are
# not already present.
rule set-insert
    local v ;
    for v in $(>)
        if ! ( $(v) in $($(<)) )
            $(<) += $(v) ;

# equal-sets set1 : set2
# Returns true iff set1 contains the same elements as set2.
# Not sensitive to the same element appearing multiple times
rule equal-sets
    if ( ! [ difference $(<) : $(>) ] ) && ( ! [ difference $(>) : $(<) ] )
        return true ;

# feature name : [values...]
# Declares a feature with the given name, and the given allowed values.
rule feature
    if $(<) in $(gFEATURES)
        EXIT feature $(<) : $(gFEATURE_VALUES(<$(<)>) redeclared as $(<) : $(>) ;
    gFEATURES += <$(<)> ;
    gUNGRISTED(<$(<)>) = $(<) ;
    gFEATURE_VALUES(<$(<)>) = $(>) ;

rule free-feature
    feature $(<) : $(>) ;
    gFREE_FEATURES += <$(<)> ;
    if $(>)
        gSINGLE_VALUED_FREE_FEATURES += <$(<)> ;

rule path-feature
    free-feature $(<) : $(>) ;
    gPATH_FEATURES += <$(<)> ;

rule dependency-feature
    path-feature $(<) : $(>) ;
    gDEPENDENCY_FEATURES += <$(<)> ;

# feature-default <feature>...
# return the default properties corresponding to the given feature(s)
rule feature-default
    local result f ;
    for f in $(<)
        result += $(f)$(gFEATURE_VALUES($(f))[1]) ;
    return $(result) ;

# flags tools-name variable-name condition [: value(s)]
# Declare command-line settings for a given toolset.
#   toolset:         the name of the toolset
#   variable-name:   the name of a global variable which can be used to carry
#                    information to a command-line
#   condition:       One of the following:
#                    1. zero or more property-sets of the form:
#                          <feature>value[/<feature>value...]
#                    2. one or more <feature>[/<feature>...]
# This rule appends to the specified variable, depending on a target's build
# configuration and the form of condition.
#   1. if any specified property-set is a subset of the target's build properties or if 
#   condition is empty, the values specified in $(3) will be appended once to
#   /variable-name/.
#   2. The value of each specified feature that participates in the target's
#   build properaties is appended to /variable-name/.
# The variable will be set "on" the target so it may be  used in its build actions. 
rule flags
    local toolset = $(gCURRENT_TOOLSET) ;
    local variable = $(<[2]) ;
    local condition = $(<[3-]) ;

    # record the names of all variables used so they can be set on targets
    if ! ( $(variable) in $(gTARGET_VARIABLES) )
        gTARGET_VARIABLES += $(variable) ;
        $(variable) = ;

    local found = ;
    local x ;
    for x in $(condition)
        x = [ split-path $(x) ] ;
        # Add each feature to the set of features relevant to the toolset
        gRELEVANT_FEATURES($(toolset)) += $(x:G) ;

        # is it a property set?
        if $(x:G=)
             # if this property_set is a subset of the current build-properties
             if ( ! $(found) ) && [ is-subset $(x) : $(gBUILD_PROPERTIES) ]
                 found = true ;
                 $(variable) += $(>) ;
            $(variable) += [ get-values $(x) : $(gBUILD_PROPERTIES) ] ;
            if $(x:G) in $(gDEPENDENCY_FEATURES)
                gDEPENDENCY_VARIABLES($(toolset)) += $(variable) ;
    if ! $(condition)
        $(variable) += $(>) ;

# include-tools toolset
# Unconditionally process the specification file for the given toolset. It is
# neccessary to do this for each target built with that toolset, since the
# toolset will invoke the flags rule to set global variables based on the build
# properties of the target.
rule include-tools 
    if ! $(gIN_INCLUDE_TOOLS)
        gCURRENT_TOOLSET = $(<) ;
        gRELEVANT_FEATURES($(<)) = ; # clear relevant feature set
        gDEPENDENCY_VARIABLES($(<)) = ;

        # clear any lingering target variables that may have been declared
        $(gTARGET_VARIABLES) = ;
        gTARGET_VARIABLES = NEEDLIBS NEEDIMPS ; # start over from the beginning
        gTOOLSET_LIB_PATH = ;
        local gIN_INCLUDE_TOOLS = true ;
        SEARCH on <jam-module>$(<)-tools.jam = $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) ;
        include <jam-module>$(<)-tools.jam ;
    # Always maintain the list of relevant features as unique
    if ! $(gIN_INCLUDE_TOOLS)
        gRELEVANT_FEATURES($(<)) = [ 
          unique $(gRELEVANT_FEATURES($(<))) 
        ] ;
    gINCLUDED(<jam-module>$(<)-tools.jam) = TRUE ;

# extends-toolset toolset
# Used in a toolset definition file; Declares that the toolset currently being
# defined is an extension of the given toolset.
rule extends-toolset
    include-tools $(<) ;

# relevant-features toolset
# Returns the set of unique features relevant to the given toolset; includes the
# toolset description file as a side-effect if neccessary.
rule relevant-features # name
    if ! $(gRELEVANT_FEATURES($(<)))
        include-tools $(<) ;
    return $(gRELEVANT_FEATURES($(<))) ;

# variant name [ : parents... ] : [<toolset>]<feature>value...
# Declare a build variant, whose configuration is given by the given (optionally
# toolset-qualified) properties.
rule variant ( name : parents-or-properties * : tool-properties * )
    gALL_VARIANTS += $(name) ;
    local parents ;
    if ! $(tool-properties)
        if $(parents-or-properties[1]:G)
            tool-properties = $(parents-or-properties) ;
            parents = $(parents-or-properties) ;
        parents = $(parents-or-properties) ;
    local toolset ;
    for toolset in $(TOOLS)
        # We hijack select-properties to do our dirty work here.
        # Because properties in a variant declaration are only qualified with
        # toolset and not variant, we specify the toolset where
        # select-properties expects a variant name. The first toolset parameter
        # is neccessary to get the relevant-features correctly set. We supply
        # the variant name as the target name, so that error messages will look
        # coherent.
        local name-properties
            = [ select-properties $(toolset) $(toolset) $(name) : $(tool-properties) ] ;
        if $(parents)
            local parent ;
            for parent in $(parents)
                local parent-properties
                    = $(gBASE_PROPERTIES($(toolset),$(parent))) ;
                local inherited-features
                    = [ unique
                        [ difference $(parent-properties:G) : $(name-properties:G) ]
                        $(gDEPENDENCY_FEATURES ] ;
                local inherited-properties
                    = [ get-properties $(inherited-features) : $(parent-properties) ] ;
                    += $(inherited-properties) ;
        gBASE_PROPERTIES($(toolset),$(name)) = [ sort $(name-properties) ] ;

# select-properties toolset variant target : qualified-properties...
# Returns
rule select-properties ( toolset variant target ? : qualified-properties * )
    local relevant_features = [ relevant-features $(toolset) ] ;
    local normalized = [ normalize-properties $(>) ] ;

    # Classify properties by the specificity of their qualification.
    # First, grab those that apply to this toolset, or all toolsets
    local this_toolset = [ get-values <$(toolset)> : $(normalized) ] ;
    local all_toolsets = [ get-values <*> : $(normalized) ] ;
    local 0-stars = [ get-values <$(variant)> : $(this_toolset) ] ;
    local 1-stars = [ get-values <*> : $(this_toolset) ] [ get-values <$(variant)> : $(all_toolsets) ] ;
    local 2-stars = [ get-values <*> : $(all_toolsets) ] ;

    # Select feature names from the features relevant to the toolset.
    local features = [ intersection $(relevant_features)
        : $(0-stars:G) $(1-stars:G) $(2-stars:G) ] ;

    local result f ;
    for f in $(features)
        local is_free = [ intersection $(f) : $(gFREE_FEATURES) ] ;
        # Go through the $(n-stars) lists from most- to least- specific;
        # collect the best set of values of a simple feature, and /all/
        # values of a free feature.
        local r n ;
        for n in 0 1 2
            if ! $(r) || $(is_free)
                r += [ get-values $(f) : $($(n)-stars) ] ;

        r = [ unique $(r) ] ;
        if $(r[2]) && ! $(is_free) # Check for conflicting simple-feature requests
            EXIT "Error: Ambiguous properties requested for"
            $(target) <$(toolset)><$(variant)> ":" $(f)$(r) ;
        result += $(f)$(r) ;
    return $(result) ;
# get toolset features
SEARCH on <jam-module>features.jam = $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) ;
include <jam-module>features.jam ;

# ungrist-properties properties...
# Transforms a list of properties of the form:
#       <feature1>value1 [<feature2>value2... ]
# into a list of the form:
#       feature1-value1 feature2-value2
# suitable for use as directory path elements
rule ungrist-properties
    local property ;
    local result = ;
    for property in $(<)
        result += $(gUNGRISTED($(property:G)))-$(property:G=) ;
    return $(result) ;

# set-target-variables target
# attach global build tool settings to the given file-target, so that they can be
# used in build actions.
rule set-target-variables ( targets * )
    local s ;
    for s in $(gTARGET_VARIABLES)
        $(s) on $(targets) = $($(s)) ;

        # set up dependencies if the target is a "top-level" target
        if ( $(s) in $(gDEPENDENCY_VARIABLES($(gCURRENT_TOOLSET))) ) && $(gTARGET_TYPE($(<)))
            DEPENDS $(targets) : $($(s)) ;
    local libpath = [ get-properties <library-path> : $(gBUILD_PROPERTIES) ] ;
    gRUN_PATH($(targets)) += $(libpath:G=) ;
    gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(targets)) += $(libpath:G=) ;

# For path properties, add a relative path prefix to the value as
# neccessary to locate the path relative to the given subproject
# directory.
rule fixup-path-properties ( properties * : subproject-directory ? )
    if $(subproject-directory)
        local result ;
        for local p in $(properties)
            if $(p:G) in $(gPATH_FEATURES)
                result += [ root-paths $(p) : $(subproject-directory) ] ;
                result += $(p) ;
        properties = $(result) ;
    return $(properties) ;

# remove-incompatible-builds requirements... : build-request... : target-name
# If any element of requirements has the same grist but a different ungristed
# part as any element of build-request, exits with an error report about target-name
rule remove-incompatible-builds ( requirements * : build-request * : target-name + )
    local all-properties = [ unique $(<) $(>) ] ;
    local all-features = $(all-properties:G) ;
    local unique-features = [ unique $(all-features) ] ;
    if $(all-features) != $(unique-features)
        local result ;
        local skip ;
        for local p in $(build-request)
            # if a feature of the build request is also in the
            # requirements, but with differing value(s)
            if ( $(p:G) in $(requirements:G) )
              && ! ( $(p) in $(requirements) )
                # decide what to do.
                local value = [ get-values $(p:G) : $(requirements) ] ;
                if $(value[2])
                    EXIT Unexpectedly found multiple build requests
                          for feature $(p:G) with values $(values) ;
                local requested = [ split-path $(p:G=) ] ;
                if $(requested[2])
                    local skipped = [ difference $(requested) : $(value) ] ;
                    if ! $(gNOWARN_INCOMPATIBLE_BUILDS)
                        ECHO $(target-name) requires $(p:G)$(value),
                            skipping requested build configuration(s) $(p:G)$(skipped). ;
                    result += $(p:G)$(value) ;
                    if ! $(gNOWARN_INCOMPATIBLE_BUILDS)
                        ECHO skipping $(target-name) due to incompatible
                            build requirements $(p:G)$(value). ;
                    skip = true ;
                result += $(p) ;
        if $(skip)
            build-request = SKIP ;
            build-request = $(result) ;
    return $(build-request) ;

# multiply-property-sets [<feature>value1[/value2...] ]...
# Expands a set of (possibly multi-valued) properties into all the combinations
# that include every feature in the set. Each combination is given as a path,
# with the slash separating the properties, sorted in feature order.
rule multiply-property-sets
    local result p ;
    for p in [ sort $(<) ]
        # expand any multi-valued simple features from the default build
        local multiple = [ distribute-feature $(p) ] ;

        # concatenation produces a product, so the tree branches for each
        # multi-valued simple feature.
        result = $(result)/$(multiple) ;
        result ?= $(multiple) ; # this trick allows us to get started 
    return $(result) ;

# Return a list consisting of all the elements of properties which
# aren't the defaults for their features.
rule remove-default-properties ( properties * )
    return [ difference $(properties) : [ feature-default $(properties:G) ] ] ;

# make-path-property-sets base-path : common-properties : property-sets
# Returns a list of paths where the initial ungristed part of each element is a
# relative path to a subvariant directory from a target's build root and the
# rest of the element is a slash-separated property set describing the
# properties of the target to be built.
# Each path returned is base-path extended by one of the ungristed property-sets
# (or just the base-path if no property-sets are supplied). Each property set
# returned is formed by extending common-properties with one of the property-sets.
# For example,
#   make-path-property-sets gcc/release : <p1>v1 : <p2>v2/<p3>v3
# returns this single-element list:
#      gcc/release/p2-v2/p3-v3/<p1>v1/<p2>v2/<p3>v3
#     |<-- subvariant path -->|<-- property-set -->|
rule make-path-property-sets ( base-path : common-properties * : property-sets * )
    local result ;
    local s ;
    for s in $(property-sets)
        local x = 
          # directory components
          [ ungrist-properties
              [ remove-default-properties [ split-path $(s) ] ] 
          # properties
          $(common-properties) $(s) 
        result += $(x:J=$(SLASH)) ;

    # if there were no overrides, just add the base variant and properties
    if ! $(result)
        result = [ join $(base-path) $(common-properties) : $(SLASH) ] ;
    return $(result) ;

# segregate-overrides override-var base-var
# removes elements of $(base-var) from $(override-var), and removes elements
# whose grist is in $(override-var:G) from $(base-var).
rule segregate-overrides
    $(<) = [ difference $($(<)) : $($(>)) ] ;

    # Which features, and thus properties, of the base variant are we keeping?
    local kept-features = [ difference $($(>):G) : $($(<):G) ] ;
    $(>) = [ get-properties $(kept-features) : $($(>)) ] ;

# report-free-property-conflicts free-property... : target
# If any single-valued free-feature appears more than once in free-property...,
# exit with an appropriate error message.
rule report-free-property-conflicts
    local p = [ get-properties $(gSINGLE_VALUED_FREE_FEATURES) $(<) ] ;
    local f = [ unique $(p:G) ] ;
    if $(p:G) != $(f)
        EXIT $(>): multiple values for single-valued free feature(s)
            [ difference $(p:G) $(f) ] requested ;

# expand-build-request
#      toolset variant target-name : requirements : build-request
# Returns a list of path-property-sets (see make-path-property-sets above) for
# all build configurations based on the given toolset, requirements, and
# build-request. Target-name is just used for error reporting.
rule expand-build-request 
    local toolset = $(<[1]) ;
    local variant = $(<[2]) ;

    # grab the requirements and BUILD-request relevant to this toolset and variant
    local requirements = [ select-properties $(toolset) $(variant) : $(>) ] ;
    local build-request = [ select-properties $(toolset) $(variant) : $(3) ] ;

    # Separate the free features (e.g. <define>, <undef>, <include>) from the others
    local free-properties = [ segregate-free-properties requirements build-request ] ;

    # Check for conflicts
    report-free-property-conflicts $(free-properties) : $(<[3]) ;
    build-request = [ remove-incompatible-builds $(requirements)
      : $(build-request) : $(<[3]) ] ;

    if $(build-request) != SKIP
        # Get  the base variant for the toolset. Includes free features
        local base-properties = $(gBASE_PROPERTIES($(toolset),$(variant))) ;

        # Which properties will override settings in the base variant?
        local override-properties = [ unique $(requirements) $(build-request) ] ;
        segregate-overrides override-properties : base-properties ;

        # Which features will pick up a default value because they are not in
        # the base variant or in the overrides?
        local relevant-features = [ relevant-features $(toolset) ] ;
        local override-free-features = [ intersection $(gSINGLE_VALUED_FREE_FEATURES)
                                        : $(free-properties:G) ] ;
        local defaulted-features = [ difference $(relevant-features)
                                    : $(override-properties:G) $(base-properties:G)
                                   ] ;
        local defaulted-properties = [ feature-default $(defaulted-features) ] ;
        # VP: defaulted-properties have the form <feature>value and there's 1 value.
        # Hence, each element of defaulted-properties will be part of each
        # component of override-sets and will be a part of each property-set 
        # returned. By segregating them, the result is changed in only one
        # way: free properties does not show up in target path.
        local defaulted-free-properties = [ segregate-free-properties defaulted-properties ] ;

        # form override property sets of the form (property1[/property2...] )+,
        # sorted in feature order. These represent the properties of subvariants
        # that differ from the base variant 
        local override-sets
            = [ multiply-property-sets $(override-properties) $(defaulted-properties) ] ;

        # return path-property-sets corresponding to each (sub)variant build
        # described.
        return [ make-path-property-sets 
                 : [ fixup-path-properties 
                       : $(RELATIVE_SUBDIR)
                 : $(override-sets)
               ] ;

# split-path-at-grist path
# Breaks path at each $(SLASH) that is followed by grist. This can be used to
# break apart property sets, particularly where the <include> feature is used,
# since its value is typically a path.
rule split-path-at-grist
    local full-split = [ split-path $(<) ] ;
    local last ;
    local result x ;
    for x in $(full-split)
        if $(x:G)
            result += $(last) ;
            last = $(x) ;
            last = $(last)$(SLASH)$(x) ;
            last ?= $(x) ;
    return $(result) $(last) ;

# A set of dependency sources with grist to indicate the types
# (<dll>*, <lib>*, etc)
# Will use the type, basename, and SUF*/PRE* to expand the name
# of the sources to their fully specific target name.
# [ expand-source-names <lib>test <dll>test <exe>test README.txt <pyd>test ]
# <lib>libtest.a <dll>libtest.so <exe>test.app README.TXT <pyd>test.so
rule expand-source-names ( sources * )
    local x-sources = ;
    for local source in $(sources)
        local grist = [ ungrist $(source:G) ] ;
        local type = $(gTARGET_TYPE_ID($(grist))) ;
        if $(type)
            local p = "" ; if $(source:B=:S=:G=) { p = "/" ; }
            local prefix = "" ;
            local suffix = "" ;
            if $(PRE$(type)[1]) { prefix = $(PRE$(type)[1]) ; }
            if $(SUF$(type)[1]) { suffix = $(SUF$(type)[1]) ; }
            x-sources += $(source:B=:S=)$(p)$(prefix)$(source:B:S=)$(suffix) ;
            x-sources += $(source) ;
    return $(x-sources) ;

# A set of targets and a single target type for all the targets
# (DLL, LIB, etc.)
# Will use the type, basename, and SUF*/PRE* to expand the name
# of the targets to their fully specific target name.
# [ expand-targets-names foo bar : DLL ]
# libfoo.a libbar.so
rule expand-target-names ( targets + : target-type )
    local x-targets = ;
    for local target in $(targets)
        local prefix = "" ;
        local suffix = "" ;
        if $(PRE$(target-type)[1]) { prefix = $(PRE$(target-type)[1]) ; }
        if $(SUF$(target-type)[1]) { suffix = $(SUF$(target-type)[1]) ; }
        x-targets += $(prefix)$(target)$(suffix) ;
    return $(x-targets) ;

# declare-local-target name : sources : requirements : local-BUILD : target-type
# declares a subproject-local target of the given name and target-type. This is
# all top-level rules which declare targets should eventually go through here.
# RETURNS: the a list of target names for the files built by the target.
rule declare-local-target ( target : sources * : requirements * : default-build * : target-type )
    # We expand out the name of the target and sources
    local x-target = [ expand-target-names $(target) : $(target-type) ] ;
    local x-sources = [ expand-source-names $(sources) ] ;

    # We add SOURCE_GRIST the base target name here because we're referring the
    # abstract  target which generates all of the actual builds. We need a way to
    # distinguish targets of the same name from different subprojects. 
    local target-id = [ FGristFiles $(x-target) ] ;

    if ! $(target-type)
        EXIT No target type given for "$(x-target)" ;

    # Define the specifications of the target, but only if we haven't already.
    if ! $(gTARGET_TYPE($(target-id)))
        # Save basic information about the target.
        gTARGET_TYPE($(target-id)) = $(target-type) ;
        gTARGET_NAME($(target-id)) = $(target) ;

        # Add the specified requirements to any requirements given by the target
        # type, and the corresponding <target-type> property.
            = $(requirements) $(gTARGET_TYPE_REQUIREMENTS($(target-type))) ;
        if ! $(gNO_TARGET_TYPE_REQUIREMENT($(target-type)))
            gTARGET_REQUIREMENTS($(target-id)) += <target-type>$(target-type) ;

        # Collect the recognized dependencies to other targets.
        local dependencies ;
        for local source in [ select-gristed $(x-sources) ]
            local dependency-type = [ ungrist $(source:G:L) ] ;
            local dependency-type-id = $(gTARGET_TYPE_ID($(dependency-type))) ;
            if $(gIS_DEPENDENCY($(dependency-type-id)))
                gTARGET_DEPS($(target-id)) += $(source:G=$(dependency-type-id)) ;

        # Sources that aren't recognized as targets, are considered raw sources.
            = [ FGristFiles
                [ difference $(x-sources:G=) : $(gTARGET_DEPS($(target-id)):G=) ] ] ;

        # Save the default builds.
        gTARGET_DEFAULT_BUILD($(target-id)) = $(default-build) ;

        # Apply any modifiers to the target specs.
        for local mod in $(gTARGET_DEPS($(target-id)))
            local dependency-type-id = [ ungrist $(mod:G) ] ;
            local modifier-function = $(gMODIFIER_FUNCTION($(dependency-type-id))) ;
            if $(modifier-function)
                # Remove and apply the modifier.
                gTARGET_DEPS($(target-id)) = [ difference $(gTARGET_DEPS($(target-id))) : $(mod) ] ;
                local ignored = [ $(modifier-function) $(target-id) : $(mod) ] ;
    # Trying to define the same specific target with a different type.
    else if $(gTARGET_TYPE($(target-id))) != $(target-type)
        EXIT conflicting target types for "$(x-target)":
        "$(gTARGET_TYPE($(target-id)))" "$(target-type)" ;

    # Generate build instructions, but only if the target has a generator.
    if $(gGENERATOR_FUNCTION($(gTARGET_TYPE($(target-id)))))
        # Supress the regular build of this target
        local suppress = [ get-values <suppress> : $(default-build) ] ;
        local gSUPPRESS_FAKE_TARGETS = $(suppress[1]) ;

        declare-fake-targets $(target) : $(target-id) ;

        # Just gather information if we are including a library's Jamfile for a
        # dependent target. Don't generate build instructions here.
        if ! $(gIN_LIB_INCLUDE)
            main-target $(target-id) : $(gTARGET_DEFAULT_BUILD($(target-id))) ;

    return $(gTARGET_FILES($(target-id))) ;

# directory-of files...
# Returns a list of the directories containing each element of files
rule directory-of
    local result d ;
    for d in $(<:D)
        if $(d) = ""
            result += $(DOT) ;
            result += $(d) ;
    return $(result) ;

# top-relative-tokens path
# Returns a list of path elements which form the relative path from TOP to path,
# which is expected to be given relative to the current subproject.
rule top-relative-tokens
    return [ simplify-path-tokens $(SUBDIR_TOKENS) [ split-path $(<) ] ] ;

.project-root-tokens = [ split-path $(.boost-build-file:D) ] ;

# try to make a potentially absolute path relative to the project
# root.  Only works for paths below the project root right now; others
# will remain absolute.
rule relative-path ( path )
    local path-tokens = [ split-path $(path) ] ;
    # try to strip the project root
    local r = $(.project-root-tokens) ;
    local p = $(path-tokens) ;
    while $(r) && ( $(r[1]) = $(p[1]) )
        p = $(p[2-]) ;
        r = $(r[2-]) ;
    # if successful, use the stripped project root
    if ! $(r)
        path-tokens = $(p) ;
    return [ tokens-to-simple-path  $(path-tokens) ] ;

# dependent-include target-path...
# For each target-path, ensure that the appropriate Jamfile has been
# included. Used when a target declares its dependency on another target.
rule dependent-include
    local target ;
    for target in $(<)
            local .project-path = [ target-path-of $(target) ] ;
            .project-path = $(.project-path:D) ;
            # load the file as a dependent.
            local gIN_LIB_INCLUDE = TRUE ;
            local [ protect-subproject ] ;
            local .project-name-and-subdir = [ enter-subproject $(.project-path) ] ;
            local .project-name = $(.project-name-and-subdir[1]) ;
            local .project-subdir = $(.project-name-and-subdir[2]) ;
            local .jamfile-path = [ root-paths $(JAMFILE) : [ root-paths $(.project-subdir) : $(TOP) ] ] ;
            load-jamfiles $(.jamfile-path) ;

# segregate-free-properties variable1 variable2...
# returns the and removes the unique list of free properties from
# $(variable1) $(variable2)... 
rule segregate-free-properties
    local free-properties = [ unique [ get-properties $(gFREE_FEATURES) : $($(<)) ] ] ;
    local v ;
    for v in $(<)
        $(v) = [ difference $($(v)) : $(free-properties) ] ;
    return $(free-properties) ;

# is-link-compatible feature : value1 : value2
# return non-empty iff a library built with <feature>value1 can be linked into a
# target with <feature>value2, empty otherwise
rule is-link-compatible ( feature : value1 : value2 )
    return [ intersection
        $(feature) $(value1:G=$(feature))
        : $(gLINK_COMPATIBLE) ] ;

# find-compatible-subvariant main-target : toolset variant : dependent-simple-properties
rule find-compatible-subvariant ( main-target : toolset variant : dependent-simple-properties * )
    # calculate the subvariant only of what is requested
    # the subvariant requested...
    local sv-request =
        [ multiply-property-sets
            [ get-properties $(BUILD:G) : $(dependent-simple-properties) ] ] ;
    # the available build requests...
    local build-requests =
        [ multiply-property-sets [ select-gristed $(BUILD) ] ] ;
    # the build requst we want to build...
    local sv-build =
        [ intersection $(sv-request) : $(build-requests) ] ;
        sv-build ?= "" ;
    local BUILD = $(variant) [ split-path $(sv-build) ] ;
    # the full subvariant to build...
    local subvariant = [ expand-target-subvariants $(main-target) : $(variant) : $(toolset) ] ;

    local sv-target = ; local sv-properties = ; local sv-toolset = ; local sv-variant = ;
    split-target-subvariant sv-target sv-properties sv-toolset sv-variant : $(subvariant) ;
    local sv-overrides =
        [ difference $(dependent-simple-properties) : [ select-gristed $(sv-properties) ] ] ;

    if ! $(gTARGET_TYPE($(main-target)))
        EXIT unknown dependent target $(main-target) ;
    # check to make sure we can link against the subvariant
    local target-requirements
        = [ select-gristed $(gTARGET_REQUIREMENTS($(main-target))) ] ;
    local override-conflicts
        = [ get-properties $(target-requirements:G) $(gALWAYS_RELEVANT) : $(sv-overrides) ] ;
    for local sv-override in $(override-conflicts)
        local sv-required = [ get-values $(sv-override:G) : $(sv-properties) ] ;
        if ! [ is-link-compatible $(sv-override:G) : $(sv-override:G=) : $(sv-required) ]
            EXIT $(main-target): required property $(sv-override:G)$(sv-required)
                incompatible with $(sv-override) ;

    # now that we have a mostly (or completely) compatible subvariant do the overrides
    local gTARGET_REQUIREMENTS($(main-target)) =
        # property rules...
        [ select-ungristed $(gTARGET_REQUIREMENTS($(main-target))) ]
        # always relevant properties to target...
        [ difference
            $(target-requirements) :
            [ get-properties [ difference $(sv-overrides:G) : $(gALWAYS_RELEVANT) ] : $(target-requirements) ] ]
        # link compatible properties, on the target...
        [ get-properties
            [ difference $(sv-overrides:G) : $(gALWAYS_RELEVANT) ] : $(target-requirements) ]
        # overrides from dependent...
        [ get-properties
            [ difference $(sv-overrides:G) : $(override-conflicts:G) ] : $(dependent-simple-properties) ]
    subvariant = [ expand-target-subvariants $(sv-target) : $(sv-variant) : $(sv-toolset) ] ;
    split-target-subvariant sv-target sv-properties sv-toolset sv-variant : $(subvariant) ;

    return $(sv-properties) ;

# For each target specified in libs, generate build instructions
# for a subvariant that can be linked with a dependent target with
# dependent-properties, returning a list of all generated targets.
rule link-libraries ( libs * : toolset variant : dependent-simple-properties * )
  local lib-path result ;
  for lib-path in $(libs)
    local lib-path = [ target-path-of $(lib-path) ] ;
    local lib-target = [ target-id-of $(lib-path) ] ;

    # Enter the dependee subproject
    local [ protect-subproject ] ;
    enter-subproject [ directory-of $(lib-path) ] ;

    local lib-subvariant = [ 
      find-compatible-subvariant $(lib-target)
        : $(toolset) $(variant)
          : $(dependent-simple-properties) ] ;

    # Generate build instructions for the library target
    result += [ subvariant-target $(lib-target) : $(lib-subvariant) : $(toolset) $(variant) ] ;
  return $(result) ;

# Which configuration(s) to build if nothing is explicitly specified
DEFAULT_BUILD ?= debug ;

# get-BUILD [target-default-build]
# pick the first of ($(BUILD), $(>), $(DEFAULT_BUILD)) which is set. If it
# contains no variants, add variants from $(DEFAULT_BUILD).
rule get-BUILD
  local build = $(BUILD) ;
  build ?= $(<) ;
  build ?= $(DEFAULT_BUILD) ;
  local variants = [ select-ungristed $(build) ] ;
  if ! $(variants)
    build += [ select-ungristed $(DEFAULT_BUILD) ] ;
  return $(build) ;

# declare-fake-targets abstract-target : target-file
rule declare-fake-targets
    # make a fake target so that it can be built without knowing the suffix
    # Since executables under *NIX have no suffix, we'd better check
    if $(>) != $(<)
        DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
        NOTFILE $(<) ;
    # The following checks that we're in the subdirectory of Jam's invocation
    # so that we can arrange for ungristed target names to be built from the
    # command-line.
    if $(<:G) && [ in-invocation-subdir ]
        DEPENDS $(<:G=) : $(<) ; # allows $(<:G=) to be used to build all variants
        NOTFILE $(<:G=) ;

# declare-target-type TYPE : [[<compiler>]<variant>]<feature>value...
rule declare-target-type
    gTARGET_TYPE_REQUIREMENTS($(<)) = $(>) ;

declare-target-type DLL : <shared-linkable>true ;

if $(NT)
  gIMPORT_SUFFIX(DLL) = .lib ;
  gIMPORT_SUFFIX(LIB) = .lib ;
  gEXPORT_SUFFIX(DLL) = .lib ;

# depend-on-libraries target-files : library-targets
rule depend-on-libraries
    NEEDLIBS = [ unique $(NEEDLIBS) $(>) ] ;
    NEEDLIBS on $(<) = [ on $(<) return [ unique $(NEEDLIBS) $(>) ] ] ;
    DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
    # To run these targets, we need everything needed to run the libraries
    gRUN_PATH($(<)) = [ unique $(gRUN_PATH($(<))) $(gRUN_PATH($(>))) ] ;
    gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(<)) = [ unique $(gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(<))) $(gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(>))) ] ;

rule depend-on-dlls ( targets + : dlls-and-import-libs * )
    local linkable ;
    # collect the linkable elements of the source libs into the appropriate variables
    for local f in $(dlls-and-import-libs)
        local v = $(gLINK_VARIABLE($(f:S))) ;
        $(v) += $(f) ;
        $(v) on $(targets) += $(f) ;
        if $(v)
            linkable += $(f) ;

    LIBPATH on $(<) += [ unique $(gLOCATE($(>))) ] ;
    FINDLIBS on $(<) += [ unique $(gTARGET_BASENAME($(gTARGET_SUBVARIANT($(>))))) ] ;
    DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;
    # To run these targets, we need everything needed to run the libraries
    gRUN_PATH($(<)) = [ unique $(gRUN_PATH($(<))) $(gRUN_PATH($(>))) ] ;
    gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(<)) = [ unique $(gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(<))) $(gRUN_LD_LIBRARY_PATH($(>))) ] ;

# Given build properties, returns the normalised version of the <tag> features for
# use by rename-targets.
rule get-tag-features ( variant : build-properties * )
    local result = ;
    local tags = [ get-properties <tag> : $(build-properties) ] ;
    for local tag in $(tags)
        tag = $(tag:G=) ;
        if $(tag:G)
            result += <tag>$(tag) ;
            result += <tag><$(variant)>$(tag) ;
    return $(result) ;

# Given target, a main target name gristed with $(SOURCE_GRIST), generate build
# instructions for a subvariant target using the given toolset, variant, etc.
# RETURNS: the a list of target names for the files built by the subvariant. If
# the target is a library, the first filename is the one that should be linked
# into a dependent target.
rule subvariant-target ( target : subvariant-id build-properties * : toolset variant )
  # SOURCE_GRIST identifies the subproject directory; TARGET_GRIST will identify
  # the target and subvariant, since unique versions of files will be built for
  # that combination.
  local property-tags = [ get-tag-features $(variant) : $(build-properties) ] ;
  local tags = [ get-properties <tag> : $(gIMPOSED_REQUIREMENTS($(target))) ] $(property-tags) ;
  local TARGET_GRIST = [ join-path $(SOURCE_GRIST) $(target:G=) $(subvariant-id) ] ;
  local subvariant = $(target:G=$(TARGET_GRIST)) ;

  # Keep track of the generated targets.

  # Make sure we know how to generate these types of targets.
  local target-type = $(gTARGET_TYPE($(target))) ;
  if ! $(target-type)
      EXIT unknown target type for $(target) ;
  gTARGET_TYPE($(subvariant)) = $(target-type) ;
  # LOCATE_TARGET affects where built targets are generated. We move it
  # relative to the default location based on the subvariant 
    = [ join-path $(LOCATE_TARGET) $(target:G=) $(subvariant-id) ] ;

  # The renamed base name of the target. Only considers the tags defined directly
  # on the target.
  gTARGET_BASENAME($(target)) =
    [ rename-target $(gTARGET_NAME($(target))) : [ split-path [ ungrist $(subvariant:G) ] ] : $(property-tags) ] ;

  # First order names have the suffix, if any according to the platform.
  local target-files = [ FAppendSuffix $(subvariant) : $(SUF$(target-type)) ] ;
  # Second order names have any tags as imposed from stage target contexts.
  target-files = [ rename-target $(target-files) : [ split-path [ ungrist $(subvariant:G) ] ] : $(tags) ] ;
  # Third order names are customized as determined by a rename rule on the target type.
  if $(gNAME_ADJUST($(target-type)))
    target-files = [
      $(gNAME_ADJUST($(target-type))) $(target-files)
      : $(subvariant-id) $(build-properties)
      : $(toolset) $(variant) ] ;

  # Do nothing if we already have the build instructions for the specific
  # target files of this subvariant target.
  if ! $(target-files) in $(gTARGET_FILES($(target)))
    gTARGET_SUBVARIANT($(target-files)) = $(target) ;
    ###gTARGET_FILES($(subvariant)) = $(target-files) ;
    gTARGET_FILES($(target)) += $(target-files) ;

    # Remember the path from the build root to the subvariant directory
    gSUBVARIANT_PATH($(subvariant)) = $(subvariant-id) ;
    # Add target suppression if <suppress> was in the requirements
    local gSUPPRESS_FAKE_TARGETS = [ get-values <suppress> : $(gTARGET_REQUIREMENTS($(target))) ] $(gSUPPRESS_FAKE_TARGETS) ;

    declare-fake-targets $(target) : $(target-files) ;

    # set up gBUILD_PROPERTIES for include-tools (below)
    local gBUILD_PROPERTIES = $(build-properties) ;

    # Include the toolset specification. This will set up the global flags
    # variables in a way appropriate to this build. 
    include-tools $(toolset) ;

    # headers should be identified specific to the target, since search paths
    # may differ for different subvariants. The same header name or relative
    # path may refer to different files.
    local HDRGRIST = [ join $(SOURCE_GRIST) $(HDRS) $(STDHDRS) : "#" ] ;
    # transfer target variables to the target file.
    set-target-variables $(target-files) ;

    if [ get-values <$(STATIC_TYPES)> <$(SHARED_TYPES)> : $(gTARGET_DEPS($(target))) ]
        # include each jamfile describing a dependee target.
        dependent-include [ get-values <$(STATIC_TYPES)> <$(SHARED_TYPES)> : $(gTARGET_DEPS($(target))) ] ;

        local libs dlls ;
            # Protect target variables against modification while lib dependencies
            # are built. They will be made empty here, and restored when this scope exits
            local $(gTARGET_VARIABLES) ;

            # extract the simple properties from dependent-properties
            local simple-properties = $(gBUILD_PROPERTIES) ;
            segregate-free-properties simple-properties ;

            # generate library build instructions
            local BUILD = $(BUILD) ;
            BUILD ?= $(gTARGET_DEFAULT_BUILD($(target))) ;
            libs = [ link-libraries [ get-values <$(STATIC_TYPES)> : $(gTARGET_DEPS($(target))) ]
                    : $(toolset) $(variant) : $(simple-properties) ] ;
            dlls = [ link-libraries [ get-values <$(SHARED_TYPES)> : $(gTARGET_DEPS($(target))) ]
                    : $(toolset) $(variant) : $(simple-properties) ] ;
        depend-on-libraries $(target-files) : $(libs) ;
        depend-on-dlls $(target-files) : $(dlls) ;
    # dispatch to the appropriate declaration function. Here we are using an
    # FTJam-only feature (thanks, David Turner!)
    local ignored = [ $(gGENERATOR_FUNCTION($(target-type))) $(target-files)
                        : $(gTARGET_SOURCES($(target))) ] ;
    $(gTARGET_VARIABLES) = ; # Be sure that we don't mask bugs with lingering target variables
  return $(target-files) ;

# Generate the expanded subvariants of a target.
rule expand-target-subvariants ( target : local-build * : tools + : )
    local BUILD = [ get-BUILD $(local-build) ] ;
    local variants = [ select-ungristed $(BUILD) ] ;
    local build-request = [ difference $(BUILD) : $(variants) ] ;

    local subvariants = ;
    for local toolset in $(tools)
        for local variant in $(variants)
            local rules = [ select-ungristed
                $(gIMPOSED_REQUIREMENTS($(target))) ] ;
            local requirements = [ select-gristed
                $(gIMPOSED_REQUIREMENTS($(target))) ] ;
            local expanded
                = [ expand-build-request $(toolset) $(variant) $(target)
                    : $(requirements) : $(build-request) ] ;
            for local instance in $(expanded)
                local properties = [ split-path-at-grist $(instance) ] ;
                for local r in $(rules)
                    properties = [ $(r) $(toolset) $(variant) : $(properties) ] ;
                # the rules may have modified the build request, reconstruct it
                properties = [ expand-build-request $(toolset) $(variant) $(target)
                    : $(properties[2-]) : $(build-request) ] ;
                subvariants += $(target)|$(properties)|$(toolset)|$(variant) ;
    return [ unique $(subvariants) ] ;

# Given an expanded subvariant of a terget, sets the various variables accordingly.
rule split-target-subvariant ( target-var properties-var toolset-var variant-var : subvariant )
    local subvariant-items = [ MATCH (.*)[|](.*)[|](.*)[|](.*) : $(subvariant) ] ;
    $(target-var) = $(subvariant-items[1]) ;
    $(properties-var) = [ split-path-at-grist $(subvariant-items[2]) ] ;
    $(toolset-var) = $(subvariant-items[3]) ;
    $(variant-var) = $(subvariant-items[4]) ;
    return $((target-var)) ;

# main-target target : local-build
# Generates requested subvariant build instructions for the given main target
rule main-target
    local subvariants = [ expand-target-subvariants $(<) : $(>) : $(TOOLS) ] ;

    # include each jamfile describing a dependee target.
    dependent-include [ get-values <$(STATIC_TYPES)> <$(SHARED_TYPES)> : $(gTARGET_DEPS($(<))) ] ;

    for local subvariant in $(subvariants)
        local target = ;
        local properties = ;
        local toolset = ;
        local variant = ;
        split-target-subvariant target properties toolset variant : $(subvariant) ;
        subvariant-target $(target) : $(properties) : $(toolset) $(variant) ;

# Declare an executable target.
gGENERATOR_FUNCTION(EXE) = executable-file ;
rule exe ( target : sources + : requirements * : default-build * )
    declare-local-target $(target) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) : EXE ;

# Declare a shared library target.
rule dll ( target : sources + : requirements * : default-build * )
    if $(JAMUNAME[1]) = OpenBSD
        if ! [ get-values <dllversion> : $(requirements) ]
            requirements += <dllversion>0.0 ;
    declare-local-target $(target) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) : DLL ;

# Declare a statically-linked library target.
gGENERATOR_FUNCTION(LIB) = library-file ;
rule lib ( target : sources + : requirements * : default-build * )
    declare-local-target $(target) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) : LIB ;

# Declare a template target for other targets. This is a modifier only. It
# Adds the specs specified here to any other target it's a dependee of.
gMODIFIER_FUNCTION(TEMPLATE) = template-modifier ;
rule template ( target : sources * : requirements * : default-build * )
    declare-local-target $(target) : $(sources) : $(requirements) : $(default-build) : TEMPLATE ;

# Declare an executable target, to be run by tests.
rule unit-test ( target +  : sources + : requirements * : default-build * : cmd-line * )
    if ! $(.testing.jam-included)
        SEARCH on testing.jam = $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) ;
        include testing.jam ;
    DEPENDS all
      : [ run $(sources)
          : $(cmd-line)
          : # input-files
          : $(requirements)
          : $(target)
          : $(default-build)

# Used to build command files from a list of sources.
rule build-command-file ( command : sources * )
    # Clean up after ourselves
    Clean clean : $(command) ;
    DEPENDS $(command) : $(sources) ;
    # Check whether there's anything to dump, so that we don't end up
    # executing a line of the form:
    #    echo > file.CMD
    # on Windows this writes "echo is on." into the command-file,
    # which then breaks the link.
    if $(sources[1])
        # Handle the first target specially, so that the first source file
        # will clear the command file
        command-file-dump-1st $(command) : $(sources[1]) ;
    if $(sources[2])
        # Then fill the rest up piecemeal
        command-file-dump-rest $(command) : $(sources[2-]) ;

# command-file-dump-1st: dump the first source path into the target
if $(NT)
# the windows command shell has the anyoing effect of appending whitespace
# when redirecting with > and >>
    actions quietly command-file-dump-1st
        echo "$(>)">"$(<)"
    actions quietly command-file-dump-1st
        echo "$(>)" > "$(<)"

# command-file-dump: dump the remaining source paths into the target
if $(NT)
# the windows command shell has the anyoing effect of appending whitespace
# when redirecting with > and >>
    actions quietly piecemeal command-file-dump-rest
        echo "$(>)">>"$(<)"
    actions quietly piecemeal command-file-dump-rest
        echo "$(>)" >> "$(<)"

# Clean up the temporary COMMAND-FILE used to build TARGETS.
rule remove-command-file ( targets + : command-file )
    TEMPORARY $(command-file) ;
    Clean clean : $(command-file) ; # Mark the file for removal via clean
actions ignore quietly piecemeal together remove-command-file
    $(RM) $(>)

# build TARGETS from SOURCES using a command-file, where RULE-NAME is
# used to generate the build instructions from the command-file to
rule with-command-file ( rule-name targets * : sources * )
    # create a command-file target and place it where the first target
    # will be built
    local command-file = $(targets[1]:S=.CMD) ;
    LOCATE on $(command-file) = $(gLOCATE($(targets[1]))) ;
    build-command-file $(command-file) : $(sources) ;

    # Build the targets from the command-file instead of the sources
    DEPENDS $(targets) : $(command-file) ;
    local result = [ $(rule-name) $(targets) : $(command-file) ] ;

    # clean up afterwards
    # Can't really do this until <find-library> arguments are accounted for.
    # remove-command-file $(targets) : $(command-file) ;
    return $(result) ;

TAG(prefix) = "" ;
TAG(postfix) = "" ;

# A target subvariant, the subvariant info, and a set of rename tags.
# Uses the rename tags, and the global TAG map, to append a tag to the
# target basename. The new subvariant target is returned. The tag for
# the target is composed from the subvariant info and the corresponding
# entry in the tags. This creates the tag in the order as given by the
# subvariant info.
# [ rename-target <gcc/debug>libtest.so : gcc debug : <tag><gcc>_gcc <tag><debug>_debug ]
# <gcc/debug>libtest_gcc_debug.so
rule rename-target ( target + : subvariant * : tags * )
    local tag-values = ;
    for local tag in $(tags)
        local tag-tokens = [ MATCH (<)(.*)(>)(.*) : $(tag:G=) ] ;
        tag-tokens = $(tag-tokens[2]) $(tag-tokens[4]) ;
        tag-values += $(tag-tokens[2]:G=$(tag-tokens[1])) ;

    local tag-text = "" ;

    # the prefix of the tag...
    local prefix-tag = [ get-values <prefix> : $(tag-values) $(TAG(prefix):G=prefix) ] ;
    tag-text = $(prefix-tag[1]) ;

    # the subvariant tags...
    for local sv in $(subvariant)
        local sv-tag = [ get-values <$(sv)> : $(tag-values) $(TAG($(sv)):G=$(sv)) ] ;
        if $(sv-tag)
            tag-text = $(tag-text)$(sv-tag[1]) ;

    # the postfix of the tag...
    local postfix-tag = [ get-values <postfix> : $(tag-values) $(TAG(postfix):G=postfix) ] ;
    tag-text = $(tag-text)$(postfix-tag[1]) ;

    local renamed-target = ;
    for t in $(target)
        local B-S = [ MATCH ([^\\.]*)(.*) : $(t:G=) ] ;
        local B = $(B-S[1]) ; B ?= "" ;
        local S = $(B-S[2]) ; S ?= "" ;
        local new-name = $(B)$(tag-text)$(S) ; new-name = $(new-name:G=$(t:G)) ;
        renamed-target += $(new-name) ;
    return $(renamed-target) ;

rule grist-targets ( targets + : subdir-tokens * )
    local subdir-grist = "" ;
    if $(subdir-tokens)
        subdir-grist = [ FGrist $(subdir-tokens) ] ;
        if $(SOURCE_GRIST)
            subdir-grist = "!$(subdir-grist)" ;
    if ! $(SOURCE_GRIST)
        return $(targets:G=$(subdir-grist)) ;
        return $(targets:G=$(SOURCE_GRIST)$(subdir-grist)) ;

# stage test-stage
#   : <exe>foo/bar/test1 <dll>qwerty/keys docs/README
#   : <tag><prefix>"_" <tag><debug>"D" <tag><profile>"P" <tag><gcc>"GCC"
#   : debug profile <suppress>true
#   ;
# test-stage/libkeys_GCCD.so
# test-stage/libkeys_GCCP.so
# test-stage/test1_GCCD
# test-stage/test1_GCCP
# test-stage/README
# IFF:
# $shell> jam test-stage
rule stage ( name : sources + : requirements * : local-build * )
    if ! $(gIN_LIB_INCLUDE)

    local stage-id =
        [ grist-targets $(name) ] ;
    local arch-subdirs = [ get-values <architecture-subdirs> : $(requirements) ] ;
    local tree-root = [ get-values <tree-subdirs> : $(requirements) ] ;
    if $(tree-root) { tree-root = [ split-path $(tree-root[1]) ] ; }
    local locate = [ get-values <locate> : $(requirements) ] ;
    if $(locate) { locate = [ split-path $(locate) ] ; }
    local fake-target = [ get-values <target> : $(requirements) ] ;

    # Supress the regular build of this target
    local gSUPPRESS_FAKE_TARGETS = [ get-values <suppress> : $(local-build) ] ;

    local stage-dir = $(name:G=) ;
    local files = [ select-ungristed $(sources) ] ;
    local file-mode ;
    local file-tagged ;
    local file-subdir ;

    # Prevent built object from getting deleted so that when targets are linked
    # multiple times they are available.
    local KEEPOBJS = true ;

    # For each source, collect its information, and possibly generate it.
    for local source in $(sources)
        source = [ split-qualified-property $(source) ] ;
        local source-build = [ MATCH "^<([^>]*)>" : $(source[1-2]) ] ;
        source = [ expand-source-names $(source[3]) ] ;

        if $(source:G)
            local gIN_LIB_INCLUDE = TRUE ;

            local target = $(source:D=:G=) ;
            local target-id = [ target-id-of $(source) ] ;
            local target-subdir = [ directory-of [ target-path-of $(source) ] ] ;

            dependent-include $(source:G=) ;
            local gIMPOSED_REQUIREMENTS($(target-id)) = $(requirements) ;
            local subvariants = [ expand-target-subvariants $(target-id) : $(local-build) : $(TOOLS) ] ;

            for local subvariant in $(subvariants)
                local s-target = ;
                local s-properties = ;
                local s-toolset = ;
                local s-variant = ;
                split-target-subvariant s-target s-properties s-toolset s-variant : $(subvariant) ;
                local s-subdir ;
                if $(arch-subdirs)
                    local arch = [ get-values <instruction-set> : $(s-properties) ] ;
                    arch ?= [ get-values <architecture> : $(s-properties) ] ;
                    arch ?= $(OSPLAT:L) ;
                    if $(arch) = "default" { arch = $(OSPLAT:L) ; }
                    arch += [ get-values <address-model> : $(s-properties) ] ;
                    arch += $(OS:L) ;
                    s-subdir = $(arch:J=-) ;
                if  ( $(s-toolset) = $(source-build[1]) || $(source-build[1]) = * ) &&
                    ( $(s-variant) = $(source-build[2]) || $(source-build[2]) = * )

                    local target-subvariant = ;
                        local [ protect-subproject ] ;
                        enter-subproject $(target-subdir) ;
                        target-subvariant =
                            [ subvariant-target $(s-target) : $(s-properties) : $(s-toolset) $(s-variant) ] ;

                    local sv-files = ;
                    for local sv in $(target-subvariant)
                        local sv-file = $(gFILES($(sv))) ;
                        sv-file ?= $(sv) ;
                        sv-files += $(sv-file) ;
                    sv-files = [ unique $(sv-files) ] ;
                    for local sv in $(sv-files)
                        local renamed-target =
                            [ rename-target $(sv) : [ split-path $(s-properties[1]) ] : ] ;

                        files += $(sv) ;
                        file-mode($(sv)) = $($(gTARGET_TYPE($(s-target)))MODE) ;
                        file-tagged($(sv)) = $(renamed-target) ;
                        file-subdir($(sv)) = $(s-subdir) ;


    # Generate and collect the file copy build instructions. If we
    # are getting defined in the dependent phase skip the actual instructions.
    local destination-files = ;
    local locate-target = $(locate) ;
        locate-target ?= [ join-path [ split-path $(ALL_LOCATE_TARGET) ] $(SUBDIR_TOKENS) ] ;
    locate-target ?= [ split-path $(SUBDIR) ] ;
    for local file in $(files)
        local destination-file ;
        local destination-subdir ;
        if $(file:G)
            destination-file = $(file-tagged($(file)):G=:D=) ;
            destination-subdir = $(file-subdir($(file))) ;
            destination-file = $(file:D=) ;
            if $(tree-root)
                destination-subdir = [ strip-initial $(tree-root) : [ split-path $(file:D) ] ] ;
        destination-file =
            [ grist-targets $(destination-file) : [ split-path $(stage-dir) ] $(destination-subdir) ] ;
        destination-files += $(destination-file) ;
            local FILEMODE = $(FILEMODE) ;
            if $(file-mode($(file))) { FILEMODE = $(file-mode($(file))) ; }
            MakeLocate $(destination-file) :
                [ FDirName $(locate-target) [ split-path $(stage-dir) ] $(destination-subdir) ] ;
            FileClone $(destination-file) : $(file) ;
            local target = $(stage-id) $(destination-subdir) $(destination-file:G=) ;
            declare-fake-targets $(target:J=/) : $(destination-file) ;

    # Don't expose fake targets when suppressing default builds.
    # But honor requirement to expose sources through given <target>.
    if ! $(fake-target)
        declare-fake-targets $(stage-id:G=) : $(destination-files) ;
            declare-fake-targets $(fake-target) : $(files) ;
            declare-fake-targets $(fake-target) : $(destination-files) ;

    Clean clean : $(destination-files) ;


# A bare target, either with or without grist.
# The fully qualified and gristed target ID.
# [ target-id-of <lib>../../sub1/sub2/test.dll ]
# <sub1!sub2>test.dll
rule target-id-of ( target-ref )
    local path = [ directory-of $(target-ref:G=) ] ;
    if ! [ MATCH "^(@)" : $(path) ]
        path = [ join @$(PROJECT) [ simplify-path-tokens [ top-relative-tokens $(path) ] ] : / ] ;
    local tokens = [ split-path $(path) ] ;
    local project-name = [ MATCH "^@([^/\\]+)" : $(tokens[1]) ] ;
    if $(project-name)
        tokens = $(tokens[2-]) ;
    project-name ?= $(PROJECT) ;
    local SOURCE_GRIST = [ FGrist @$(project-name) [ simplify-path-tokens $(tokens) ] ] ;
    local target-id = [ FGristFiles $(target-ref:D=:G=) ] ;
    return $(target-id) ;

rule target-path-of ( target-ref )
    local path = [ directory-of $(target-ref:G=) ] ;
    if ! [ MATCH "^(@)" : $(path) ]
        path = [ join @$(PROJECT) [ simplify-path-tokens [ top-relative-tokens $(path) ] ] : / ] ;
    local grist = $(target-ref:G) ;
    path = $(path)/$(target-ref:D=:G=) ;
    return $(path:G=$(grist)) ;

# Common rules for generating a single stage tag based on the
# variant, build properties, and the toolset used to build.
# To use place this rule name in the requirementes section of
# a stage target.
# The tag is constructed as such:
#   [-<toolset-tag>][-<thread-tag>][-<runtime-tag>]
#   <toolset-tag> maps to an abbreviated name of the toolset
#   and when possible and applicable the version of the toolset.
#   <thread-tag> "mt" when multi-threading is enabled.
#   <runtime-tag> adds these single letter tags:
#       "s" when static linking to runtime
#       "g" when linking to debug runtime
#       "y" when building debug-python variants
#       "d" when building debug variants
#       "p" when building with stlport libraries
#       "n" when building with stlport and using native iostreams
# The tag added is a <tag><prefix> to allow for additional tags
# in the stage. For example the version tag.
rule common-stage-tag ( toolset variant : properties * )
    local tags = ;
    local thread-tag = ;
    if <threading>multi in $(properties) { thread-tag = mt ; }
    local runtime-tag = ;
    if <runtime-link>static in $(properties) { runtime-tag += s ; }
    if <runtime-build>debug in $(properties) { runtime-tag += g ; }
    if [ MATCH .*(debug-python).* : $(variant) ] { runtime-tag += y ; }
    else { if [ MATCH .*(debug).* : $(variant) ] { runtime-tag += d ; } }
    if [ MATCH .*(stlport).* : $(toolset) ] ||
        [ MATCH .*(stlport).* : $(properties:G) ]
    { runtime-tag += p ; }
    if <stlport-iostream>off in $(properties) { runtime-tag += n ; }
    local toolset-tag = ;
    switch $(toolset)
        case *borland* : toolset-tag += bcb ;
        case *como* : toolset-tag += como ;
        case *cwpro8* : toolset-tag += cw8 ;
        case *darwin* : toolset-tag += ;
        case *edg* : toolset-tag += edg ;
        case *gcc* : toolset-tag += gcc ;
        case *intel-linux* : toolset-tag += il ;
        case *intel-win32* : toolset-tag += iw ;
        case *kcc* : toolset-tag += kcc ;
        case *kylix* : toolset-tag += bck ;
        case *metrowerks* : toolset-tag += cw ;
        case *mingw* : toolset-tag += mgw ;
        case *mipspro* : toolset-tag += mp ;
        case *msvc* : 
            toolset-tag += vc6 ;
            if <runtime-link>dynamic in $(properties) { thread-tag = mt ; }
        case *sunpro* : toolset-tag += sw ;
        case *tru64cxx* : toolset-tag += tru ;
        case *vacpp* : toolset-tag += xlc ;
        case *vc7* : 
            toolset-tag += vc7 ;
            toolset-tag += [ MATCH "vc7[.]([0123456789]*)" : $(toolset) ] ;
            if <runtime-link>dynamic in $(properties) { thread-tag = mt ; }
        case * :
        toolset-tag += [ MATCH "^([^-]*)" : $(toolset) ] ;
    toolset-tag += [ MATCH "[-]([0123456789]+).([0123456789]*)" : $(toolset) ] ;
    tags += $(toolset-tag:J=) ;
    tags += $(thread-tag:J=) ;
    tags += $(runtime-tag:J=) ;
    if $(tags)
        return $(properties) <*><*><tag><prefix>-$(tags:J=-) ;
        return $(properties) ;

# Recursive version of GLOB. Builds the glob of files while
# also searching in the subdirectories of the given root.
rule glob-tree ( root : patterns * )
    local e ;
    local f = [ GLOB $(root) : $(patterns) ] ;
    local files ;
    for e in $(f)
        if $(e:D=) != CVS { files += $(e) ; }
    local d = [ difference [ GLOB $(root) : * ] : $(files) ] ;
    for e in $(d)
        if ! ( $(e:D=) in . .. ) { files += [ glob-tree $(e) : $(patterns) ] ; }
    return $(files) ;

rule unless ( test * : no-value * : yes-value * )
{ if ! $(test) { return $(no-value) ; } else { return $(yes-value) ; } }

rule cond ( test * : yes-value * : no-value * )
{ if $(test) { return $(yes-value) ; } else { return $(no-value) ; } }

# If the toolset matches the given regex pattern, modify the
# subvariant-path and properties for static linking
rule force-NT-static-link ( pattern : toolset : subvariant-path properties * )
    if  $(NT) && [ MATCH $(pattern) : $(toolset) ]
        properties =
          [ difference $(properties) : <runtime-link>dynamic ]

    return $(subvariant-path) $(properties) ;

# Stick this rule name in your requirements if you are building code
# which requires locale support.  It handles the metrowerks-specific
# case that locale support demands the static version of the runtime
# library.
rule std::locale-support ( toolset variant : subvariant-path properties * )
    return [ 
      force-NT-static-link .*(metrowerks|cwpro).* 
        : $(toolset) : $(subvariant-path) $(properties)
          ] ;

# Stick this rule name in your requirements if you are building code
# which requires facet support.  It handles the intel-win32-specific
# case that facet support seems to demand the static version of the
# runtime library.
rule std::facet-support ( toolset variant : subvariant-path properties * )
    return [ 
      force-NT-static-link .*(intel).* 
        : $(toolset) : $(subvariant-path) $(properties)
          ] ;

# load the specified modules if they haven't been loaded already.  If
# the module has no suffix, ".jam" is appended.  If the module name is
# prepended with a path, it is sought in that location relative to the
# current Jamfile, otherwise it is sought in BOOST_BUILD_PATH.
rule import ( modules + )
    for local name in $(modules)
        local search = $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH) ;  # search here
        local n = $(name:D=) ;                # for this basename
        if ! $(n:S)
            n = $(n).jam ;
        # if a directory was specified
        local d = $(name:D) ;
        if $(d)
            # Normalize the path relative to the invocation directory.
            n = [ root-paths $(n) : $(d:R=$(SUBDIR)) ] ;
            n = [ root-paths $(n) : [ PWD ] ] ;
            search = ; # no searching; the path was specified.
        SEARCH on $(n) = $(search) ;
        if ! $($(n).included)
            include $(n) ;
            $(n).included = true ;

# declare a project's installable sources (raw sources or built targets)
rule install ( name type : sources + : options * )
    if $(gINSTALL_SOURCES) && ! $(name) in $(gINSTALL_EXCLUSIONS)
        local result ;
        for local source in $(sources)
            result += [ target-path-of $(source) ] ;
        if ! $(result) in $(gINSTALL_SOURCES($(type)))
            gINSTALL_SOURCES($(type)) += $(result) ;
        return $(result) ;

rule install-subinclude ( jamfiles + : options * )
    local gIN_LIB_INCLUDE = TRUE ;
    local gINSTALL_EXCLUSIONS = [ get-values <exclude> : $(options) ] ;
    for local jamfile in $(jamfiles)
      local sub-jamfile = [ relative-path $(jamfile) ] ;
      dependent-include $(sub-jamfile) ;

# get project installation sources of a given type
rule install-sources ( type )
    return $(gINSTALL_SOURCES($(type))) ;
-------------- next part --------------
#~ Copyright (c) 2001 David Abrahams.
#~ Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Rene Rivera.

#~ Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
#~ License Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
#~ http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

# The following #// line will be used by the regression test table generation
# program as the column heading for HTML tables. Must not include version number.
#//<a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/">GNU<br>GCC</a>

# compute directories for invoking GCC
# The gcc toolset can be user-configured using the following
# variables:
#       The directory in which GCC was installed. Defaults to
#       unset. Usually, there is no need to set this variable at
#       all. However, if G++ is not in the path it is usually
#       sufficient to configure this one variable. More fine-grained
#       configuration is available by setting the following:
#       the directory prefix used to find the gcc executables. Defaults to
#       $(GCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY)/bin/, or "" if GCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY is
#       not set.
#       the directory in which to find system includes. Defaults to
#       empty.
#       the directory in which to find the standard library
#       objects associated with this build of gcc. Defaults to
#       $(GCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY)/lib. 
#       The name by which g++ is invoked. You can also use this in
#       lieu of setting the <cxxflags> property to force options such
#       as "-V3.0.4" into the g++ command line: "-sGXX=g++ -V3.0.4".
#       Similar to GXX, the name by which gcc is invoked for "C"
#       language targets.

# singleton variables...


GCC_BIN_DIRECTORY ?= "" ; # Don't clobber tool names if GCC_ROOT_DIRECTORY not set

# Make sure this gets set "on" the target

flags gcc LINKFLAGS <runtime-link>static : -static ;
flags gcc CFLAGS <debug-symbols>on : -g ;
flags gcc LINKFLAGS <debug-symbols>on : -g ;
flags gcc CFLAGS <optimization>off : -O0 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS <optimization>speed : -O3 ;

# Other optimizations we might want for GCC
# -fforce-mem -fomit-frame-pointer
# -foptimize-sibling-calls -finline-functions -ffast-math -finline-limit=10000

flags gcc CFLAGS <optimization>space : -Os ;
flags gcc CFLAGS <inlining>off : -fno-inline ;
flags gcc CFLAGS <inlining>on : -Wno-inline ;
flags gcc CFLAGS <inlining>full : -finline-functions -Wno-inline ;

flags gcc .GXX : $(GXX) ;
flags gcc .GCC : $(GCC) ;

# set threading options for various platforms:
local on-windows ;

if $(NT)
    on-windows = 1 ;
else if $(UNIX)
    switch $(JAMUNAME)
        case CYGWIN* :
            on-windows = 1 ;

if $(on-windows)
    flags gcc CFLAGS <threading>multi : -mthreads ;
else if $(UNIX)
    switch $(JAMUNAME)
    case SunOS* :
        flags gcc CFLAGS <threading>multi : -pthreads ;
        flags gcc LINKFLAGS <threading>multi : -pthreads ;
        flags gcc FINDLIBS <threading>multi : rt ;
    case BeOS :
        # BeOS has no threading options, don't set anything here.
    case Darwin :
        # MacOS X, doesn't need any threading options set
        # -lpthread is linked to by default.
        # There is no gcc/g++, we need to use cc/c++ instead:
        .GCC ?= cc ;
        .GXX ?= c++ ;
    case *BSD :
        flags gcc CFLAGS <threading>multi : -pthread ;
        flags gcc LINKFLAGS <threading>multi : -pthread ;
        # there is no -lrt on BSD
    case IRIX :
        # gcc on IRIX does not support multi-threading, don't set anything here.
    case HP_UX :
        # gcc on HP-UX does not support multi-threading, don't set anything here
    case * :
        flags gcc CFLAGS <threading>multi : -pthread ;
        flags gcc LINKFLAGS <threading>multi : -pthread ;
        flags gcc FINDLIBS <threading>multi : rt ;

# Some possibly supported, or not, linker flags. The support depends on the OS linker.
flags gcc RPATH_LINK  ;
flags gcc SONAME ;

# Set/reset options for the linker of the platform.
if $(UNIX)
    switch $(JAMUNAME)
    case SunOS* :
        NO_GNU_LN = true ; # sun seems not to use the GNU linker with gcc
    case Linux :
        RPATH_LINK = -Wl,-rpath-link, ;
        SONAME = -Wl,-soname, ;
    case OpenBSD :
        SONAME = -Wl,-soname, ;
    case AIX* :
        NO_GNU_LN = true ;
        IMPLIB_FLAGS = "-Wl,-bI:" ;

# Set architecture/instruction-set options.
# x86 and compatible
.ARCH = <architecture>x86 <architecture>native ;
flags gcc CFLAGS <architecture>x86/<instruction-set>default : -mcpu=i386 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>i386 : -mcpu=i386 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>i486 : -mcpu=i486 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>i586 : -mcpu=i586 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>i686 : -mcpu=i686 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>pentium : -mcpu=pentium ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>pentium-mmx : -mcpu=pentium-mmx ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>pentiumpro : -mcpu=pentiumpro ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>pentium2 : -mcpu=pentium2 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>pentium3 : -mcpu=pentium3 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>pentium4 : -mcpu=pentium4 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>k6 : -mcpu=k6 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>k6-2 : -mcpu=k6-2 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>k6-3 : -mcpu=k6-3 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>athlon : -mcpu=athlon ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>athlon-tbird : -mcpu=athlon-tbird ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>athlon-4 : -mcpu=athlon-4 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>athlon-xp : -mcpu=athlon-xp ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>athlon-mp : -mcpu=athlon-mp ;
# Sparc
.ARCH = <architecture>sparc <architecture>native ;
flags gcc CFLAGS <architecture>sparc/<instruction-set>default : -mcpu=v7 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>v7 : -mcpu=v7 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>cypress : -mcpu=cypress ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>v8 : -mcpu=v8 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>supersparc : -mcpu=supersparc ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>sparclite : -mcpu=sparclite ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>hypersparc : -mcpu=hypersparc ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>sparclite86x : -mcpu=sparclite86x ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>f930 : -mcpu=f930 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>f934 : -mcpu=f934 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>sparclet : -mcpu=sparclet ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>tsc701 : -mcpu=tsc701 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>v9 : -mcpu=v9 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>ultrasparc : -mcpu=ultrasparc ;
# RS/6000 & PowerPC
.ARCH = <architecture>power <architecture>native ;
flags gcc CFLAGS <architecture>power/<instruction-set>default : -mcpu=power ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>rios : -mcpu=rios ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>rios1 : -mcpu=rios1 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>rsc : -mcpu=rsc ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>rios2 : -mcpu=rios2 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>rs64a : -mcpu=rs64a ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>601 : -mcpu=601 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>602 : -mcpu=602 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>603 : -mcpu=603 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>603e : -mcpu=603e ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>604 : -mcpu=604 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>604e : -mcpu=604e ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>620 : -mcpu=620 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>630 : -mcpu=630 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>740 : -mcpu=740 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>750 : -mcpu=750 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>power : -mcpu=power ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>power2 : -mcpu=power2 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>powerpc : -mcpu=powerpc ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>power64 : -mcpu=power64 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>403 : -mcpu=403 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>505 : -mcpu=505 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>801 : -mcpu=801 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>821 : -mcpu=821 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>823 : -mcpu=823 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>860 : -mcpu=860 ;
flags gcc CFLAGS $(.ARCH)/<instruction-set>power-common : -mcpu=common ;
# MIPS-1-2-3-4
flags gcc MIPS <architecture>mips1 <architecture>mips2 <architecture>mips3 <architecture>mips4 : TRUE ;
flags gcc MIPS
    <instruction-set>r2000 <instruction-set>r3000 <instruction-set>r3900
    <instruction-set>r4000 <instruction-set>r4100 <instruction-set>r4300
    <instruction-set>r4400 <instruction-set>r4600 <instruction-set>r4650
    <instruction-set>r5000 <instruction-set>r6000 <instruction-set>r8000
    : TRUE ;
if $(MIPS)
    flags gcc CFLAGS <architecture>mips1 : -mips1 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <architecture>mips2 : -mips2 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <architecture>mips3 : -mips3 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <architecture>mips4 : -mips4 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r2000 : -mcpu=r2000 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r3000 : -mcpu=r3000 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r3900 : -mcpu=r3900 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r4000 : -mcpu=r4000 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r4100 : -mcpu=r4100 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r4300 : -mcpu=r4300 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r4400 : -mcpu=r4400 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r4600 : -mcpu=r4600 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r4650 : -mcpu=r4650 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r5000 : -mcpu=r5000 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r6000 : -mcpu=r6000 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>r8000 : -mcpu=r8000 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <instruction-set>orion : -mcpu=orion ;
    #   ...addressing model options
    flags gcc ADDRESS_MODEL_INVALID <address-model>16 : TRUE ;
        EXIT "Error: Invalid addressing model for MIPS architecture (16)." ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <address-model>default : -mgp32 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <address-model>32 : -mgp32 ;
    flags gcc CFLAGS <address-model>64 : -mgp64 -mlong64 ;

# define compiler names if not set:
.GCC ?= gcc ;
.GXX ?= g++ ;

flags gcc CFLAGS <profiling>on : -pg ;
flags gcc LINKFLAGS <profiling>on : -pg ;

flags gcc C++FLAGS <rtti>off : -fno-rtti ;
flags gcc C++FLAGS <vtable-thunks>on : -fvtable-thunks ;
flags gcc C++FLAGS <vtable-thunks>off : -fvtable-thunks=0 ;

flags gcc CFLAGS <cflags> ;
flags gcc C++FLAGS <cxxflags> ;
flags gcc DEFINES <define> ;
flags gcc UNDEFS <undef> ;
flags gcc HDRS <include> ;
flags gcc STDHDRS <sysinclude> ;
flags gcc LINKFLAGS <linkflags> ;
flags gcc LINKFLAGS <debug-symbols>off : -s ;
flags gcc ARFLAGS <arflags> ;


if ! $(ARFLAGS)
    flags gcc ARFLAGS : "" ;

if ! $(on-windows) # The compiler complains about -fPIC on NT
    flags gcc CFLAGS <shared-linkable>true : -fPIC ;
    flags gcc LINKFLAGS <shared-linkable>true : -fPIC ;

    flags gcc LINKFLAGS <target-type>$(SHARED_TYPES) : -nostart ;
    flags gcc LINKFLAGS <target-type>$(SHARED_TYPES) : -shared ;

flags gcc LIBPATH <library-path> ;
flags gcc NEEDLIBS <library-file> ;
flags gcc FINDLIBS <find-library> ;

flags gcc DLLVERSION <dllversion> ;

flags gcc TARGET_TYPE <target-type> ;

# allow for "ar" to be part of the compiler distribution, for
# example in mingw and cygwin
flags gcc .AR : [ GLOB $(GCC_BIN_DIRECTORY) $(PATH) : ar ar.exe ] ;
.AR ?= ar ;

# used to manipulate the object files produced by GCC to
# prevent the merging of debug symbols (which happens to be n^2 slow)
flags gcc .OBJCOPY : [ GLOB $(GCC_BIN_DIRECTORY) $(PATH) : objcopy ] ;
flags gcc OBJCOPY_FLAGS <debug-symbols>on : "--set-section-flags .debug_str=contents,debug" ;
if ! $(on-windows)
    flags gcc .SET_EXIT : "set -e" ;

#### Link ####

rule Link-action
    _ on $(<) = " " ;
    # if we don't have a GNU linker then we can't pass any GNU-ld specific flags:
    if $(NO_GNU_LN)
        LNOPT on $(<) = ;
        LNOPT on $(<) = "" ;
    # do we use sonames or not?
    if $(DLLVERSION) && $(TARGET_TYPE) in $(SHARED_TYPES) && ( $(OS) = LINUX || $(OS) = OPENBSD ) && ! $(NO_GNU_LN)
        OUTTAG on $(<) = ".$(DLLVERSION)" ;
        SOTAG on $(<) = ".$(DLLVERSION)" ;
        ACTION_1 on $(<) = "" ;
        OUTTAG on $(<) = "" ;
        SOTAG on $(<) = ;
        ACTION_1 on $(<) = ;

    # On Win32, choose different image bases for load-time efficiency
    if $(on-windows) {
        DLL_LINK_FLAGS = "-Wl,--enable-auto-image-base " ;
    else {
        DLL_LINK_FLAGS = "" ;

    # Allow gcc-nocygwin to avoid this flag
    if ! $(GCC_NO_EXPORT_ALL) {
        DLL_LINK_FLAGS = "$(DLL_LINK_FLAGS)-Wl,--export-all-symbols " ;

    # This will appear before the import library name when building a DLL, but
    # will be "multiplied away" otherwise. The --exclude-symbols directive
    # proved to be neccessary with some versions of Cygwin.
    if ! $(NO_GNU_LN) {
        IMPLIB_COMMAND on $(<) = "$(DLL_LINK_FLAGS)-Wl,--exclude-symbols,_bss_end__:_bss_start__:_data_end__:_data_start__ -Wl,--out-implib," ;
    # Workaround GCC's lack of command-files and NT's line-length limitation.
    if $(NT) {
        JAMSHELL on $(<) = % ;

    gcc-Link-action $(<) : $(>) ;

    if $(DLLVERSION) && $(TARGET_TYPE) in $(SHARED_TYPES) && ( $(OS) = LINUX || $(OS) = OPENBSD ) && ! $(NO_GNU_LN)
        return "$(<[1]).$(DLLVERSION)" ;

# for gcc, we repeat all libraries so that dependencies are always resolved
actions gcc-Link-action bind NEEDLIBS NEEDIMPS

#### Cc #####

rule Cc-action
    _ on $(<) = " " ;
    gcc-Cc-action $(<) : $(>) ;

actions gcc-Cc-action
    $(.GCC[1]:R=$(GCC_BIN_DIR)) $(.GCC[2-]) -c -Wall -U$(UNDEFS) -D$(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) -I"$(HDRS)" -I$(_)"$(STDHDRS)" -o "$(<)" "$(>)"

#### C++ ####
rule C++-action
    _ on $(<) = " " ;
    gcc-C++-action $(<) : $(>) ;

actions gcc-C++-action
    $(.GXX[1]:R=$(GCC_BIN_DIR)) $(.GXX[2-]) -c -Wall -ftemplate-depth-100 -U$(UNDEFS) -D$(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS) $(C++FLAGS) -I"$(HDRS)" -I$(_)"$(STDHDRS)" -o "$(<)" "$(>)"

#### Archive ####

rule Archive-action
    gcc-Archive-action $(<) : $(>) ;

actions updated together piecemeal gcc-Archive-action
    $(.AR[1]) ru$(ARFLAGS:J=) "$(<:T)" "$(>:T)"
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