Partial success Re: [C++-sig] boost.python on OS X 10.3 (Panther)

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at
Wed Nov 5 02:25:41 CET 2003

--- Bob Ippolito <bob at> wrote:
> > How would you modify these command lines?
> the last one:
> c++ -bundle -bundle_loader  
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/Python  
> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/Python -o  
> libtbx/ boost/libs/python/test/str.os -Llibtbx  
> -L/net/worm/scratch1/rwgk/hot/libtbx -lboost_python -lm
> should be:
> c++ -bundle -o libtbx/ boost/libs/python/test/str.os -Llibtbx  
> -L/net/worm/scratch1/rwgk/hot/libtbx -framework Python -lboost_python  
> -lm

Just to confirm this observation, unfortunately it doesn't work:

c++ -bundle -o libtbx/ boost/libs/python/test/list.os -Llibtbx
-L/net/worm/scratch1/rwgk/hot/libtbx -lboost_python -lm
ld: boost/libs/python/test/list.os illegal reference to symbol:
_PyEval_CallFunction defined in indirectly referenced dynamic library

If I put the -bundle_loader back and keep everything else the same there is no


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