[C++-sig] Re: Exposing C++ objects to Python at runtime

Jonathan Warrington jon at shirwin.com
Mon Nov 24 23:17:28 CET 2003

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
> That's what Boost.Python is designed for: non-intrusive wrapping. Macros are
> not used very much. Most of the work is done with templates.
> I am afraid I still don't know what your actual question is. Did you already
> work through some simple examples? The tutorial is a very good starting point.
> Ralf

Yes I've looked at the tutorial, and all the examples use the macro 
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE() which means the classes that will be scriptable 
will have to import the Boost.Python headers, and be compiled against 
Python.  I want to have all my scriptable classes not need to know 
anything about any scripting languages, just import my scripting header 
(which also doesn't include Boost.Python) which has generic looking 
interface functions for execution, and registering functions and classes 
as being scriptable, and a dll which contains that actual implementations.

For example (I know this isn't a javascript forum but it's an example) I 
also have a javascript dll implementing the same interface which for the 
"register function" function will take a name string (what it'll called 
in the script) and a function pointer (the function to be called.)  So 
there is nothing language specific in the interface but the dll does 
parameter conversions between the javascript types, and c++ types.

I've been sidetracked with other work today, but just looking through 
the straight Python C API I think I can get functions working like I 
have them working in javascript, but I would like to be able to register 
classes as well.

The vague start of the interface is below, the idea is to be able to 
create dlls that implement the interface, so that if we want to change 
scripting languages for another project all we need to do, is throw a 
different dll in there, and then write the scripts in a new language. 
All the rest of the pieces of the system that register scriptable pieces 
don't even need to know anythings changed, as they still call the same 
functions to register scriptable components.

//Script function takes an arg count, an arg array, and returns a value
typedef void (*SCRIPT_FUNCTION)( int, ScriptVal**, ScriptVal* );
struct SW_ScriptEngine{
	virtual void initialize() = 0;
	virtual void release() = 0;
	virtual ScriptVal* executeScript(String script) = 0;
	virtual bool registerFunction(String name, SCRIPT_FUNCTION func, String 
moduleName) = 0;

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