[C++-sig] Re: Indexing_suite when container is newed

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Thu Oct 16 21:34:07 CEST 2003

On 16 Oct 2003 at 16:45, Raoul Gough wrote:

> My point? Just that memory leaks reduce
> the quality of a software system, and don't always appear at a
> convenient time :-)

I completely agree. Just because I can write code which doesn't leak 
memory doesn't mean someone else altering my code won't introduce 
half a dozen memory leaks each go. And one must be very cautious of 
that. I once designed a structured exception handling system for a C 
project which ran like C++ but you had to be very very dilligent in 
wrapping each C function with the necessary runtime code. As I later 
found out, other programmers in the team just didn't care when 
writing new code - and thus errors vanished as they do when C++ goes 
through C code.

> > All this fancy C++ stuff is quite new for me - literally I only
> > really properly began about a year and a half ago but thanks to
> > Marshall Cline helping me I think I got fairly competent pretty
> > quickly. I still have sooo much to learn though.
> Sounds like nice work if you can get it.

Hardly. I've been unemployed for eighteen months now. Been trying to 
start a company, but there's zero interest in software companies 
right now. If nothing happens by next summer, I'm going to read for a 
second degree - maybe philosophy.


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