[C++-sig] Re: Reloading python code in BOOST environment

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Fri Oct 17 15:12:35 CEST 2003

Python extension modules are never unloaded; this isn't a boost-specific 


Kirsebom Nikolai wrote:

> I have a problem in trying to 'reload' python code in an BOOST invironment.
> Given the two files below.  When I open Python (in command prompt) and do
> the following:
>>>>import Wrap
> 5 abc
>         # CHANGE CONTENT OF FILE Subber.py to have i = 6
> 6 abc
> If I try to do the same in my application (change the Subber.py content)
> without restarting the whole application,
> the changes are not seen.  Does this have something to do with BOOST
> environment, or is it probably in the Subber.py
> file (which in my application is a wxPython dialog presenting some
> information from the application (exposed objects
> using BOOST)).
> It would be so nice to not have to restart the application when only
> changing the Python-code.
> Thanks for any help.
> Nikolai
> ----- File Wrap.py ------------------------------------
> def Main():
>     import sys,copy
>     bi=copy.copy(sys.modules.keys())
>     try:
>         import Subber
>         Subber.Main()
>     except:
>         raise ImportError, "Failed to import"
>     ai=copy.copy(sys.modules.keys())
>     for k in ai:
>         if not k in bi:
>           del sys.modules[k]
> ----- File Subber.py ---------------------------------
> i = 5
> a = 'abc'
> def Main():
>     print i, a

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