[C++-sig] strange sideeffect or bug of boost.python

Lutz Paelike lutz_p at gmx.net
Wed Oct 29 12:33:09 CET 2003


i encountered a strange thing when i wanted to create a dictionary object from c++.
The error is after creating the dict with no errors (result!=NULL) a simple PyDict_Check fails with no reason.
I tracked this down through the Python Sources and extracted the essential source of PyDict_Check and inserted
it into the example code below. In the Debugger i see that the ob_type of the new object is somehow screwed up.
And now the strange thing: This error goes away and the code works like expected if i remove the boost include.

Am I missing something or is this a strange side effect ?

I'm using Visual Studio 6 SP5 and a recent boost cvs checkout (about 1-2 weeks old)

Thanks for your help,


Here is the code:

#include <boost/python.hpp> // comment this out to make it work

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>

#include <Python.h>
#include <compile.h>
#include <eval.h>
#include <dictobject.h>

int main()

	PyObject *the_dict = PyDict_New ();

	if (NULL!=the_dict){


		_typeobject  * dt = &PyDict_Type;

		// PyDict_Check does this. Why isn't this working here?
		bool isT  = ((the_dict)->ob_type == (&PyDict_Type));
		bool isST = PyType_IsSubtype((the_dict)->ob_type, (&PyDict_Type));

		if (isT) printf("the_dict is of type PyDict_Type\n");
		else printf("the_dict is not of type PyDict_Type! Boost.Python Bug?\n");
		if (isST) printf("the_dict is of subtype PyDict_Type\n");
		else printf("the_dict is not of subtype PyDict_Type! Boost.Python Bug?\n");


	} else printf("Error creating new dict\n");


     return 0;


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