[C++-sig] Re: Adding __len__ to range objects

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sat Sep 6 05:29:51 CEST 2003

"Joel de Guzman" <djowel at gmx.co.uk> writes:

>> Then again, it also wouldn't work if v[1:4] was a wrapped
>> vector<element_proxy>, so why not just use a real Python list and save
>> some template instantiation work. Actually, I'm not sure whether
>> creating a working vector<element_proxy> wrapper might not mean more
>> programming work for us as well, in which case I'm definitely against
>> it :-)
> I am considering a slice_proxy<Container>. I am not sure how complicated
> the implementation will be, but I think this is the right solution to the problem.
> Schematically:
>     slice_proxy
>     {
>         Container& c;
>         Index from;
>         Index to;
>     };
> As for the foo (v[1:4])  problem, you can have an implicit conversion from
> a slice_proxy<Container> to a Container.

Consider whether this might be a way to save on template

        object c;
        object from;
        object to;

Remember, the container is already wrapped into a runtime-polymorphic
object ;-)

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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