[C++-sig] Wrapping multi - lib project strategy

Roman Yakovenko romany at actimize.com
Sun Sep 7 12:43:39 CEST 2003

   Hi. I'd like to get help with the subject.
Description of the problem: 
	I am writing wrapper for python of some project.
This project is very complex one. It has a lot of single - tones.
Each single tone lies in its own lib. My naive approach for wrapping it 
is to place each library in it's own python module ( dll file ).
Now I have problem: I initialize single tones as I should. But because
it happens in different dlls every single tone sees other as uninitialized.

The first solution that come to my head is to compile all my dlls together in one dll.
But then I use logical partition of modules. 
The second solution is: - yours

I am almost sure that people already meat such problem. Could you share your solutions, ideas ?



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