[C++-sig] Converting a C++ object to python

Ron Penton rpenton at adelphia.net
Sun Sep 14 08:40:02 CEST 2003

This has been asked many times, in many variants, but I cannot seem to get this working in any shape or form, which leads me to believe I'm doing something numbskulled.

I'm trying to perform this sequence of events:
1 create a C++ object
2 convert it into a python object
3 pass it into python as a parameter to a function

Part 2 is the part that is holding me up. Observe:

class booga
    booga() : a( 0 ) {}
    int a;
    void looga() { a = a + 10; cout << a << endl; }

    class_<booga>( "booga" )
        .def( "looga", &booga::looga );

int main()

    PyImport_AppendInittab( "wrap", initwrap );

    booga b;
    object obj( &b );

That last line of code always throws an exception of type error_already_set, from within the function "value_arg_to_python". 

My thoughts are that I am missing something about a custom converter, or similar, but I've read through the converter docs and I'm quite baffled; they don't explain much. Would the BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE create a custom converter for classes in there, or must I specify one manually, or what?

I apologize if this is too simple of a problem, in advance =)
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