[C++-sig] Re: calling a python-callback-function - switching to python 2.3

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sun Sep 28 17:12:24 CEST 2003

Lars Kunert <lkunert at mpi-sb.mpg.de> writes:

>>> Sorry I just recognized, that I had a typo in my mail (line 343 instead 
> of 69), but that does not change anything, cause I had a look at the right 
> place of the file (and I also included the right snip). I just mixed it up 
> when I wrote the mail.

Well, your snip doesn't indicate which is line 343, but fundamentally
this bug has nothing to do with Boost.Python AFAICT, since the error
appears in the Python headers.

My bet is that one of your Qt headers is defining a macro which stomps
on a symbol used by Python.  I suggest preprocessing your C++ file,
stripping all the #... (preprocessor directive) lines, and compiling
*that* to see if there's some obviously messed-up syntax.

Also, you really need to be including your Boost.Python headers before
anything that might bring in a system header when compiling under
POSIX.  This restriction is actually imposed by Python and POSIX,

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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