[C++-sig] Re: conversion of python dictionary to shared_ptrs

Raoul Gough RaoulGough at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Apr 4 12:56:15 CEST 2004

David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com> writes:

> "aashish" <aashish at vrac.iastate.edu> writes:
>> Hi, 
>> I need to pass a dictionary from python to C++ function which is defined as 
>> void setVariables(ValueMapPtr variables);
>> where I have typedef ValueMapPtr as 
>> //a shared ptr of a value map
>> typedef boost::shared_ptr< ValueMap > ValueMapPtr;
>> // And 
>> typedef std::map< std::string, std::vector<double> > ValueMap;
>> Is it possible?? 
> Yes.
>> Do I need to use register_ptr_to_python ? 
> No; if it's truly a Python dictionary on the Python side, you need to
> build a custom rvalue from-python converter, per
> http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/v2/faq.html#question2
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.c%2B%2B/2161
> I wish it were easier; sorry!

There is an interesting trade off here, which I've thought about on a
few occasions. If you want to share a container between Python and C++
code, I believe you have three choices:

1. Use a Python container and access it from C++ using the Python/C
   APIs like (e.g.) PyDict_GetItem

2. Use a C++ container and access it from Python using (e.g.) the
   indexing suite.

3. Use native containers on each side and convert from/to the
   different types at the interface.

In terms of performance, which one is appropriate depends on the
application, where most of the processing takes place and probably
also on the size of the container.

Option 1. means dealing with PyObjects from C++, instead of having the
compiler know the static types of the elements. It introduces
overheads on the C++ side, so isn't much good if the heavy processing
is done here.

Option 2. means the C++ code knows the static types of the elements,
which gives you the fastest possible code for what you do in C++. It
introduces overheads on the Python side, since every operation on the
container requires a call through the Boost.Python code. For example,
this wouldn't make much sense if you spend all the time filling the
container from Python and then do one simple operation on it in C++.

Option 3. means converting the whole container for each call (either
from a C++ container to Python or vice versa). I guess it also
introduces a problem if you want code on the non-native side to modify
the container, since you'd then have to convert the container back and
replace the original.

As for which is the easiest to use, I would say probably option 2
would be, except that I haven't yet documented the new indexing suite
properly, and I don't think the original suite has much std::map

Raoul Gough.
export LESS='-X'

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