[C++-sig] Re: creating an instance of a class_<> object in c++ an d exporting it to python

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Sat Aug 14 01:50:11 CEST 2004

"Mike Rovner" <mike at nospam.com> writes:

> Francois Ostiguy wrote:
>> Here is what I tried (in slightly simplified form):
>> object PythonInstanceOfA  = PythonTypeA(  py_get_existing() );
> object PythonInstanceOfA  = py_get_existing();
> py_get_existing is already a factory function returning (python) instance of
> A.

To put it another way, at this point you're done.  Whatever you're
doing with PythonTypeA is (no offense) bogus.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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