[C++-sig] Re: yet another: TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type:

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Tue Aug 24 10:37:39 CEST 2004

"tALSit de CoD" <talsit at talsit.org> writes:

> YES!!
> Thanks heaps, that solved it perfectly...
> I have been bashing my head a bit on that one... couldn't quite figure  it
> out. I don't completely comprehend templates, and the wierd and  wonderful
> way that it works...
> Now, just a quicky:
> If i have two class methods:
> class A {
> public:
>      const std::string & getName () { return m_name; }
> private:
>      std::string m_name;
> };
> class B {
> public
>      const A * getA () const { return m_a; }
>            A * getA ()       { return m_a; }
> private:
>      A * m_a;
> };
> How do i wrap that method? I need them both there, but when i try to  wrap
> it like this:
> class_ <B> ("B")
>      .def ("getA",  &B::getA, return_internal_reference <> ())
> ;
> It complains quite a lot, since it is an overloaded method.

Just wrap one of them; Python doesn't know/care about const.

A* (B::*getA)() = &B::getA;

class_ <B> ("B")
    .def ("getA",  getA, return_internal_reference <> ())

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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