[C++-sig] Re: New slice implementation

Jonathan Brandmeyer jbrandmeyer at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 14 03:38:34 CET 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 10:27, David Abrahams wrote:
> Jonathan Brandmeyer <jbrandmeyer at earthlink.net> writes:
> > For the documentation format, do you use some kind of semiautomatic
> > system?  
> Sadly, no.  Maybe the next time around it'll be RestructuredText.
> You should feel free to use ReST for your docs, though.
> libs/python/todo.txt and libs/python/todo.html are done that way.
> Use a .rst extension for the ReST file, though, if you do that.
> > If not, do you mind if I use a WYSIWYG system such as the html
> > editor in Mozilla?  To be honest, I don't know much about html code.
> No, I don't mind, as long as the editor doesn't cruft up the HTML with
> a lot of cr*pola.  The output should have "logical coherence", e.g. no
> fixed positions and sizes for things that should be relative, etc.

I basically wrote this page by editing the documentation page for the
list class.

Here is a first shot at it, please review for technical completeness. 
There are a few formatting tweaks that I still need to make, but I think
that it should be OK otherwise.

Some of the formatting information is specified relative to the page, so
to view it properly you will want to copy the file to

Jonathan Brandmeyer
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