[C++-sig] opencascade

kevin at kevinatkinson.com kevin at kevinatkinson.com
Mon Jun 21 21:22:07 CEST 2004

This email is addressed to Niki Spahiev; it is in regard to this message on mail.python.org:


I am trying to do precisely the same thing:  generate boost.python wrappers using the metadata exposed in the cdl files of Open Cascade.  Did you have any luck doing this?

I ask because I am anxious to get my hands on a Python wrapper of Open Cascade, and at this point it's looking like I may have to do it myself.  I know there is a fellow named Sandor Racz who has made an incomplete wrapper for 5.0, but I'm not having much luck with it.

I would greatly appreciate any tips you might have in this regard.


Kevin Atkinson
Software Developer

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