[C++-sig] Memory leak in Boost.python?

Vianney Lançon vianney.lancon at zslide.com
Tue May 11 10:42:48 CEST 2004


I have some memory leak problems with boost python (1.31.0) for 
interpreter embedding.

My memory leak tracker tells me that some resources allocated in 
registry.cpp py_function.hpp and function_object.cpp are not freed at 
the end of the application. There is also some resources allocated by 
the libPython.

The doc http://www.boost.org/libs/python/todo.html#pyfinalize-safety and 
some news seem to say that it’s a known problem.

Is there a work around or cvs version or a custom patch that could avoid 
these leaks?
Apparently the TODO says that someone is working on it.  Has anyone an 
idea when this problem will be resolved in stable version?


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