[C++-sig] Re: ublas vector based arithmetic

Neal D. Becker ndbecker2 at verizon.net
Wed Sep 1 13:27:30 CEST 2004

Andreas Kloeckner wrote:

> Hi Neal, all,
> Am Di, den 31.08.2004 schrieb Neal D. Becker um 16:57:
>> Recently I proposed using std::vector for arithmetic.  Since then it was
>> suggested to look at ublas.  I think
>> this is a good idea for my
>> requirements.
>> [snip]
>> I have gotten an implementation working, based mostly on Pylinear-0.9
>> from
>> Andreas Kloeckner,ak at ixion.net, http://pylinear.sf.net.  My version is
>> much smaller, simpler and without all the dependencies, but only handles
>> vectors
>> (not matrices).  It adds some convenience features, like constructing
>> vectors from tuples/lists.
> pylinear.sf.net is not active currently, but I hope I'll have time to
> upload an initial set of stuff soon. I never got an activation email
> from Sourceforge, but I suppose they quietly approved the project...
> strange. :)
> As of right now, Pylinear is a bit slower than Numeric, but I believe
> that a bunch of this can be ironed out by taking a closer look at the
> BPL. (I haven't checked what performance will be like using the BPL from
> 1.32)
> The first thing that I'm planning on doing is to make Pylinear usable
> without the extra linear algebra libraries. Neal: I'd also like your
> construction patches if you'd like to supply them.

I did get pylinear-0.9 to build, but right now I'm using boost-cvs. 
pylinear-0.9 doesn't compile against current boost-cvs (gcc3.3 linux fc2),
and I didn't try to debug it.

I'll email you directly the source I'm using.

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