[C++-sig] to_python_converters with internal-ref-like management

Jonathan Brandmeyer jbrandmeyer at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 10 04:51:35 CEST 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 22:42, Jonathan Brandmeyer wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 18:04, esatel wrote:
> > However, to be safe, the array_holder (which contains the multi_array
> > managing the data) to last as long as the subarray. Is there a slick way to
> > do this? I realize that I can eliminate the need for this dependence through
> > copies, but the size of the arrays involved (slices >10000 doubles)
> > motivates me to avoid the wasted motion.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Eli
> Try this:
> -Manage the array_holder's memory with shared_ptr, or some other
> refcounting system.
> -Create a dummy class for Python which does nothing other than own a
> reference to the underlying array_holder.

Even simpler than the above - in the module initialization function,
make a class_<multi_array, shared_ptr<multi_array> >("whatever").

> -Convert the subarray to a _numarray_-based Python array (because this
> trick won't work with with Numeric).
> -Make a boost::python::object from the PyObject* you just initialized
> (I'll call it 'ret' for later reference).  Make sure you do it in a way
> that doesn't delete the underlying PyObject too early, or add an extra
> reference to it.
> -Call ret.attr( "some_unique_name") = object(dummy(array_holder));

And then, call 
ret.attr( "some_unique_name") = object( shared_ptr<array_holder>);

> -Return ret to Python.
> Here's how I think it should work.  Because numarray uses the new class
> system, you can add arbitrary attributes to numarray objects.  So, you
> add an attribute that holds a reference to the underlying data.  When
> the refcount on the PyArray goes to zero, so will the extra attribute's
> refcount (assuming that someone else didn't reference it again somehow -
> that is why you use the hard-to-guess name*).  When Python destroys the
> dummy attribute, the refcount on the data to which that slice object
> pointed gets its refcount decremented.
> I haven't tried this before, so if you try it, and it works, please let
> folks know.
> HTH,
> -Jonathan
> *I would even go as far as salting the name with a wee bit of random
> data, but that might be overkill.
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