[C++-sig] Running python using Boost.Python modules

Tom Denniston tom.denniston at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 20:36:49 CEST 2005

Is there a way to run python so that it picks up the C++ modules
compiled using Boost.Python and bjam.  I saw in the examples that you
could run python from a bjam target such as the following:

# Declare a test for the extension module
boost-python-runtest test1
    :  # Python test driver
    # extension modules to use
    <pyd>getting_started1 ;

But I didn't see anything on how to run a python process independent
of a bjam target.  one possibility is to copy the modules into the
python installation but i would prefer to use the libraries from
python without having and side efffect on my python installation.

Would appreciate any thoughts or direction toward the appropriate
documentation.  I might just be missing something really obvious here.


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