[C++-sig] Re: Pass C++ object to python issue
Vladimir Prus
ghost at cs.msu.su
Wed Apr 27 09:32:42 CEST 2005
Martin Dai wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Now I have solved the pass variable when the variable is simple
> type,
> but when I bind the C++ class object into the dictionary, it compile
> successfully, it will abort once execute it.
With what error message?
> The below is the c++ source code:
> if (PyImport_AppendInittab("embedded_hello", initembedded_hello) ==
> -1)
Please always provide a complete program.
> main_namespace["AppBase"] = python::object(python::ptr(pBase));
> //abort here
> python::handle<> result(
> PyRun_String(
> "from embedded_hello import * \n"
> "print AppBase.i \n"
> Py_file_input, main_namespace.ptr(), main_namespace.ptr())
> );
I've tried to reproduce this, and got:
that works fine. However, when I move the
main_namespace["context"] = ptr(b);
above call to PyRun_String (as is done in your example),
I get this:
TypeError: No Python class registered for C++ class B
which looks quite reasonable. Python has no idea that class 'B' even exists,
but you're trying to add instance of that class. I wonder if it's possible
to automatically register Python class in this case, though.
- Volodya
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