[C++-sig] to_python / from_python guidance?
Alexis H. Rivera-Rios
ahrivera at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 2 20:18:20 CEST 2005
I'm trying to expose a class that uses a third party
library: gmtl. The gmtl library has already bindings
for python. I want to be able to do this:
struct Test
gmtl::Vec3d x;
gmtl::Point3d y;
: x(0,0,0),y(0,0,0) {}
Test(const Test &other)
: x(other.x),
Test& operator=(const Test& other)
if (this==&other)
return *this;
x = other.x;
y = other.y;
Im exposing the class like this:
class_< Test >("Test", init< >())
.def(init< const Test& >())
.def_readwrite("x", &Test::x)
.def_readwrite("y", &Test::y)
But this fails:
>>> import gmtl
>>> from PyStatATA import *
>>> test = Test()
>>> test.x = gmtl.Vec3d(0,0,1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
None.None(Test, Vec3d)
did not match C++ signature:
None(struct Test {lvalue}, class
>>> test.y = gmtl.Point3d(0,0,1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
None.None(Test, Point3d)
did not match C++ signature:
None(struct Test {lvalue}, class
>>> my = test.y
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: No Python class registered for C++ class
class gmtl::Point<double,3>
>>> mx = test.x
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: No Python class registered for C++ class
class gmtl::Vec<double,3>
>From my understanding, to solve this I need to define
the to and from python converters. But the examples
assume I have headers to the python type of
gmtl::Vec3d and gmtl::Point3d. In my case, I don't
have that.
What is the best approach to solve this?
Programming Tutorial:
In Python: To do this, do this
In Perl: To do this, do this or this or this or this...
In C: To do this, do this, but be careful
In C++: To do this, do this, but don't do this, be careful of this, watch out for this, and whatever you do, don't do this
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