[C++-sig] Embedded Python: how to enumerate function names?

Bob Eaton bob_barb_eaton at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 21 05:49:27 CEST 2005

In my embedded Python C++ code, I have a PyObject* to the module and its 
dictionary. From either of these, is there a way to enumerate the 
methods/functions defined in that file?

I know I can at least get the function names with (((PyFunctionObject 
*)func) -> func_name), but I'm not clear on how to get the PyFunctionObject 
pointer to begin with. Is it the Keys or Values or Items of the dictionary?

Also, once I have the function pointer, can I enumerate its parameters and 
return type?

And finally, what's the difference between a Function and a Method?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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