[C++-sig] boost.build help

Stephen Henry Stephen.Henry at elixent.com
Wed Aug 24 17:28:02 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I'm attempting to get my head around Boost.build and using it to build
my project. I've run into some trouble and was hoping that their was
someone out their that could help me:

I have a directory that looks like the following:

  --- inc
  --- src

in root I have a "project-root.jam" file containing "path-constant
BOOST_ROOT : /home/henrys/boost". In src I have a Jamfile.v2 with the

import python ;

if [ python.configured ] {

python-extension dfa : dfa.cpp
         : <include>${BOOST_ROOT} <include>../inc
<template>${BOOST_ROOT}/libs/python/build/extensions ;
  ECHO "Python location is not configured"

and a user-config.jam in my home directory with "using python ;"
contained within it.

When I'm trying to compile my extension, I cd to the src directory and
type bjam --v2, but I get a long error originating in boost-build.jam:1
and ending in tools/build/v2/build/feature.jam:193 with the error:
"<template> is not a valid feature name".

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Stephen Henry

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