[C++-sig] Python ImportError : undefined symbol

neuroo at kouette.com neuroo at kouette.com
Thu Feb 3 21:36:07 CET 2005

I got a problem with boost 1.32 & gcc 3.3.4 on a debian while trying to build a dynamic library.
I am building the library with a Makefile like this one (but with more sources):

 LINKING=-L/usr/local/lib -lpython2.2 -lboost_python -DBOOST_PYTHON_STATIC_MODULE
 USR_PATH=-I/usr/local/include/boost-1_32 -I/usr/include/python2.2

 sample.o: sample.cpp
  g++ -c -Wall -O3 -fPIC sample.cpp $(USR_PATH)

 sample.so: sample.o
  g++ -shared -fPIC sample.o -o sample.so $(LINKING)

The compiler does his work & when i try to import sample.so on python (2.3) i have an:
ImportError: ./PL.so: undefined symbol: _ZN15LagrangianParamC1ER5ModelSs
For more informations, if it's not a false compilation way, LagrangianParam::Model is a private
pointer to a class (Model) defined in an other source...

Romain Gaucher
Ingeneer student in Calculus & Computer
ISIMA (FRANCE) / Clermont-Ferrand

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