[C++-sig] Callbacks with internal references as arguments

Daniel Lewis actiondan at gmail.com
Sat Feb 5 22:09:55 CET 2005


I'm trying to write a module using boost::python that can deliver
callbacks, but I'm having trouble with declaring my intentions with
regards to object ownership. A simple example of what I am trying to
achieve is this:

    struct Foo { };

    struct Bar {
        Foo& get_foo() { return foo; }
        void foo_callback() { callback(foo); }

        Foo foo;
        object callback;

    BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE (foobar) {
        class_<Foo>("Foo", init<>());

        class_<Bar>("Bar", init<>())
            .def("get_foo", &Bar::get_foo, return_internal_reference<>())
            .def("foo_callback", &Bar::foo_callback)
            .def_readwrite("callback", &Bar::callback);

So when calling Bar::get_foo() from Python, I get the desired behaviour:
the same Python object is returned every time, and Bar::foo is not destroyed
when the Python object is.

When using Bar::foo_callback(), like this:

    def callback(foo):
        print foo

    bar.callback = callback

I get a different object, and ~Foo() is called when the Python object is

Is there any way to achieve the "internal reference" behaviour when
delivering the object as a callback argument?


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