[C++-sig] swig?
petrucio at hoplon.com
Thu Nov 10 18:48:23 CET 2005
In my experience, the compilation of the SWIG wrappers is much, much faster
than compilation of the boost.python wrappers. The source of errors in
compilation is also easier to track down, since there's little or no
templates used in SWIG wrappers.
SWIG is also easier to set up and use, you usually need much less
declarations of what you want to export, even less than when using Pyste.
It also has a lot of pre-built typemaps that save you a lot of time
depending on what you want to export, for instance when dealing with
pointer to basic types, SWIG has an easy solution for that in a typemap, in
contrast to exporting those using boost.python, wich is not something you
look forward to.
In the other hand, boost.python is more robust. I lack the memory to give
you specific examples, but there's some stupid things that SWIG does that
will blow your mind. Boost.python is also more 'purist', in some sense. But
since practicality beats purity, I'm more of a SWIG guy.
I made a few performance tests, and expected boost.python to be a clear
favorite here, but there were not much diference between the two, if I
remember correctly.
I made a lot of other comparisons between the two, but the results are not
in this computer. I'll send them some other day, if I remember to get them.
Fabio 'Petrucio' Stange - Game Programmer
Hoplon Infotainment - www.taikodom.com
At 10:14 10/11/2005, you wrote:
>I noticed that recent versions of swig have quite significantly advanced the
>support for c++. I wonder if anyone has experience they can share,
>regarding a comparison of boost::python with a recent swig.
>I have been using boost::python for some time, but am interested in
>considering swig, because in my present environment, it would be easier for
>me to deploy code using swig.
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