[C++-sig] Specific exception classes

Emmanuel Taurel etaurel at cells.es
Wed Nov 16 16:34:37 CET 2005

Hello everybody.


I am using BPL to wrap a C++ library and I would like to define my own
exception. Therefore, I have written one exception translator that I have
registered with the "register_exception_translator". My exception translator
looks like this (DevFailed is the name of the C++ exception class) 


void translator_dev_failed(const DevFailed &the_ex)


            PyObject *py_exc =




In Python, I have:


from PyTangoDs import *




except DevFailed,e:

    print 'Received a DevFailed exception:',e


    print 'An unforeseen exception occured....'


The python interpreter complains that it does not know the DevFailed name
with this error :


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "main.py", line 19, in ?

    except DevFailed,e:

NameError: name 'DevFailed' is not defined


My question is : How is it possible to have your own exception ?


Thank's for your answer




Emmanuel Taurel (etaurel at cells.es)

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