[C++-sig] Getting a Python type object for a c++ type in wrapper code...

Alex Mohr amohr at cs.wisc.edu
Tue Oct 4 19:55:25 CEST 2005

Hi folks,

I'm a relative boost.python newbie but I've been doing a ton with it and 
I'm having a blast.  Thanks for such an awesome package.

Here's my first newbie question.

Suppose I have two C++ classes that I'm wrapping -- Foo and Bar.  In the 
wrapper for Bar, I want there to be an attribute which holds the type 
Foo.  That is, from python I wan to be able to say:

 >>> Module.Bar.fooType == Module.Foo

Something like def_readonly("fooType", <var-which-holds-type-for-Foo>) 
would be ideal.  I'd also like to be able to do this for python types, 
like python's float.  Is there a simple way to do this in my 
Boost.Python code?



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