[C++-sig] Regression in Boost.Python v1.33

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Wed Oct 26 13:24:02 CEST 2005

On 25 Oct 2005 at 10:42, David Abrahams wrote:

> Closer, but if we're going to call this feature "supported," and it's
> possible, I want a patch that actually *works* portably.  This one
> won't work on compilers that define BOOST_NO_CV_VOID_SPECIALIZATIONS.
> I also need a testcase for the test suite that will pass iff the
> feature works.

I can supply a testcase, but the problem with supporting older 
compilers is knowing when a void is being used without using 
specialisation to do it. I did try a number of methods, but all of 
them either rely on partial template specialisation (which is worse) 
or void specialisation.

If you think about it, how can you detect a void type without using 
specialisation of some kind? Of course, you're the expert here, so if 
you know of some idiom I don't, please do suggest.

Should I make the testcase always succeed on 


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