[C++-sig] Wrapping pointers

Dominic Sacré dominic.sacre at gmx.de
Wed Apr 5 21:05:32 CEST 2006


I'm having trouble exporting C++ pointers to Python. My code looks like 

class A
    A *p;

    class_<A>("A", init<>())
        .def_readonly("p", &A::p)

Now every time I try to access A::p from Python I get this error:

TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: A*

I searched the list archives and found a message about the same issue, 
where the only suggestion was to use

.def_readonly("p", make_getter(&A::p, return_internal_reference<1>()))

instead, but this doesn't help either. On the contrary, this causes a 
segfault every time I use A::p (although p points to a valid object, at 
least in C++).
So what should I do to access this pointer from Python?


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