[C++-sig] Writing configure checks for libboost?

Hans Meine meine at kogs.informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Mon Aug 28 10:45:42 CEST 2006

On Saturday, 26. August 2006 17:49, Ingo Lütkebohle wrote:
> for the toolchain part, we hardcode a reasonably sane default
> ("gcc-mt-d") and then use a 'with'-option for configure to allow the
> user to override our choice.

OK, that seems to be a pragmatical approach.  (Which most configure checks 
take anyways.)  I wonder about the -d though.  (I supposed that meant 
"debug", is that wrong?)

> As some things (e.g., whether to use mt 
> or not) cannot be automatically determined anyway, that seems like a
> good compromise. Other than that, we look at the header directory to
> figure out the latest boost-version installed.  I can pass on the
> autoconf parts for these two things to you, if you're interested.

Yes, I would be very much interested.  Maybe we can keep that on-list?

I would still like to hear other's opinions and approaches.

Ciao, /  /
    /  / ANS

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