[C++-sig] RuntimeError: unidentifiable C++ exception

Qun Cao quncao at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 02:13:29 CEST 2006

> >* Hi Roman,
> *>* What do you mean by "the code generated by Py++ just works"?  Do you mean
> *>* you created a class
> *>* MyClass {
> *>* public:
> *>*    MyClass(char const*) ;
> *>* }
> *>* and you had successfully initialized it in Python?  I tried a similar
> *>* example class and had no problem with it.
> *
> That what you described :-).
> >* The real problem  I had was with this specific class NiString in Gamebryo
> *>* game engine, is it possible that something
> *>* going on inside Gamebryo might cause the problem?  Or the game engine is
> *>* irrelevant to this problem?
> *
> I think that NiString is relevant. Take a look on this FAQ:
> http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/v2/faq.html#custom_string
> Hi Roman,
Thanks for you suggestions.
I looked into the custom_string code, it is a nice example but different
with my problem.  I don't want python automatically convert my NiFixedString
to python string, all I want is a way to use the constructor of
NiFixedString class to create a python object.
 a = NiFixedString("test")

Theoretically this is no different than wrapping any other class with a
constructor that takes a string/char const*, and this code should do it,
    class_<NiFixedString,boost::noncopyable>("pNiFixedString", init<char

Btw, NiFixedString encapsulates a memory efficient implementation of
reference-counted ASCII strings, here is the header file, is there any thing
that potentially cause the exception?  Also, from my understanding, PY++
simplifies the process of generating the wrapper code, could adopting PY++
possibly help with this problem?


#include "NiRTLib.h"
#include "NiGlobalStringTable.h"
#include "NiPath.h"

class NIMAIN_ENTRY NiFixedString : public NiMemObject
    NiFixedString(const char* pcString);
    NiFixedString(const NiFixedString& kString);

    operator const char*() const;

    bool Exists() const;

    NiFixedString& operator=(const NiFixedString& kString);
    NiFixedString& operator=(const char* pcString);

    size_t GetLength() const;
    unsigned int GetRefCount() const;

    bool Equals(const char* pcStr) const;
    bool EqualsNoCase(const char* pcStr) const;

    bool Contains(const char* pcStr) const;
    bool ContainsNoCase(const char* pcStr) const;

    friend bool operator==(const NiFixedString& s1, const NiFixedString&
    friend bool operator!=(const NiFixedString& s1, const NiFixedString&

    friend bool operator==(const NiFixedString& s1, const char* s2);
    friend bool operator!=(const NiFixedString& s1, const char* s2);

    friend bool operator==(const char* s1, const NiFixedString& s2);
    friend bool operator!=(const char* s1, const NiFixedString& s2);

    // Begin Emergent internal use only
    // End Emergent internal use only
    NiGlobalStringTable::GlobalStringHandle m_kHandle;

NIMAIN_ENTRY void NiStandardizeFilePath(NiFixedString& kString);

#include "NiFixedString.inl"


Excerpt from NifixedString.inl

inline NiFixedString::NiFixedString(const char* pcString)
    if (pcString == NULL)
        m_kHandle = NiGlobalStringTable::NULL_STRING;
        m_kHandle = NiGlobalStringTable::AddString(pcString);

>* And still, what the "unidentifiable C++ exception" is really saying?
> *
> Boost.Python has next code:
> try{
>     run you C++ code
> }
> catch( registered exceptions ){
>      convert them to Python exception
> }
> catch( ... ){
>     throw Python RuntimeError( "unidentifiable C++ exception" )
> }
> So or you forgot to register your exception or ... something really
> bad happened.
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