[C++-sig] Lost Again! :)

Nicolas Tessore wz_ at gmx.net
Thu Aug 31 16:06:19 CEST 2006

Hello, thanks to your helpful replies, I think I got one step closer to
understanding how Py++ should work :)

I built a python script that dynamically creates a header file including
all the libraries from one folder. Fortunately, each class is contained
in one single header called <classname>.h, so that creating the template
typedefs and instantiations work fine.

Now my understanding is still lacking with respect to template functions:
I followed the howto-advise and call every function once for
instantiation. This works, however I need to control the name that
function later has in Python. At the moment I use function pointers (I
could not find something like typedef), but they don't seem to make
their way into the Boost.Python binding file.


Now something from my tests: I noticed I often get a error like

     super(type, obj): obj must be instance or subtype of type.

from a condition in decl_wrappers/calldef_wrapper.py (line 309).
However, running your GUI utility for a test, this error never occurs.
What is my mistake?


Another problem arises when I try to build an example I created for my
lib: I always run into

     'boost::python::init' : too many template arguments

errors. I had no time to dive deeper into Boost.Python, anyone up for a
quick heads-up?


This is all :D I really appreciate your efforts in helping out, and I am
confident Py++ results will soon overtake Swig and pay off the time

Regards, N.

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