[C++-sig] pyplusplus tutorials & GUI wizard

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 09:14:46 CET 2006

On 2/1/06, Roman Yakovenko <roman.yakovenko at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Then there's another class that has a private destructor. This class
> > only has static methods and is not meant to be instantiated. So for the
> > wrappers I'd like to add the 'noncopyable' and 'no_init' specifiers.
> > Does pyplusplus allow that?
> pyplusplus does not allows this right now. The main reason for this is:
> pyplusplus checks whether class has private constructor (fixed yesterday)
> or does not have accessible copy constructor and generates right code.
> I forgot about public destructor. I will fix it. If you still need to
> control those properties
> just say it.


> > Now I also noticed another thing that'll get more serious the more
> > classes I wrap. Whenever I create the source code for the bindings
> > (using the multiple_files feature) *all* files are recreated, even when
> > the actual contents is the same than before. When I then compile the
> > module (using distutils) *every* file is recompiled which will take
> > quite some time once I've wrapped the entire SDK (which has about 300
> > classes). Is there a way to tell pyplusplus to only generate a source
> > file when the contents will be different from a previous run?
> I will fix this.

Fixed. This bug was so silly, I don't know what I thought that moment.

Thanks for reporting those bugs. You need to take CVS version.

Roman Yakovenko.

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