[C++-sig] Using python doc tools on boost-generated functions
Neal Becker
ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 02:37:19 CET 2006
Martin Reddy wrote:
> Hey there,
> We are using boost.python to create Python bindings to C++ code. We'd like
> to produce automatic Python API docs using a tool like epydoc or pydoc.
> However, we've been running into a number of problems, such as epydoc not
> picking up any free functions that are generated by boost.python.
> Checking the C++-sig archives, I found a message from Sep 2004 saying that
> boost.python functions are not generated with the same set of attributes
> on them as built-in python functions, and the doc tools like epydoc rely
> on those attributes.
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/c++-sig/2004-September/008137.html
> It looks like this is still an issue today. I'm just wondering if anyone
> has come up with any workarounds for using tools like epydoc or pydoc with
> boost.python functions, or what would be involved to fix this in
> boost.python?
> Cheers,
I did explore a few approaches. Probably the simplest is something like
This is an excerpt from some of my code:
scope().attr("__doc__") =
"Module for Block Interleavers\n";
class_<BlockInterleaver<int> > ("block_interleaver", "Block Interleaver",
init<int, int, int>((arg ("size"), arg ("rows"), arg ("cols")),
"Construct a Block Interleaver.\n"
"Only full arrays are supported.\n"
"@param size: array size\n"
"@type size: int\n"
"@param rows: rows\n"
"@type rows: int\n"
"@param cols: cols\n"
"@type cols: int\n"
.def ("v", &BlockInterleaver<int>::GetV)
.def ("vinv", &BlockInterleaver<int>::GetVinv)
// .def_readonly ("v", &BlockInterleaver<int>::v)
// .def_readonly ("vinv", &BlockInterleaver<int>::vinv)
def ("interleave", &interleave_block<ublas::vector<int>,
ublas::vector<int> >,
"Interleave input I{x} using interleaver I{inter}"
"@param inter: stuff\n"
Then running PYTHONPATH=./ epydoc <modulename> seems to work OK.
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