[C++-sig] Pyste/Pyplusplus/Boost documentation problems

Roman Yakovenko roman.yakovenko at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 06:28:23 CET 2006

On 1/11/06, Tony Kirke <tkirke at gmail.com> wrote:
> I concur with several of your comments. However, I was unable to get
> pyplusplus to work under Ubuntu 5.10 and Python 2.4. From what I remember
> the documentation only states that it works with Python 2.3 and does not
> mention 2.4, so I'm not sure it is as mature or actively developed or if
> there was some other issue. Also the documention for Pyste is easier to
> follow and I think more comprehensive.

> Finally for template functions it was necessary to do something separate
> from Pyste as it does not handle these types of functions.
> Regards
> Tony

Why don't you report a bug? pyplusplus is developed on Debian Linux. I
think if you send me your problems I can help you a lot. Also I am
testing pyplusplus on windows using Python 2.4.

About documentation - you are right. Right now I am working hard to write it.
pyplusplus has few examples:


All those are libraries, that has been wrote by other people, and
exposed to Python by me.
You can take a look on them.

Template functions: see boost.date_time example. This library has a
lot of template functions/classes. Using pyplusplus + pygccxml it is
possible to deal with them almost painless.

Roman Yakovenko

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