[C++-sig] Pyste/Pyplusplus/Boost documentation problems

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Fri Jan 20 18:46:43 CET 2006

"Niall Douglas" <s_sourceforge at nedprod.com> writes:

> On 16 Jan 2006 at 17:52, David Abrahams wrote:
>> > That would be inadvisable. The best thing is for pyste users to 
>> > regenerate their config files from scratch as pyplusplus uses quite a 
>> > different configuration model (nowhere near as easy, but considerably 
>> > more powerful).
>> I disagree.  If you're going to use a wrapper generator, it should be
>> as easy as possible.  If Pyste has a reasonably terse, expressive
>> input syntax that matches the user's mental model (something I
>> encouraged Bruno to develop and that Roman could have learned from),
>> then pyplusplus should use it or improve on it.  To do otherwise would
>> be inconsistent with the design spirit and aims of Boost.Python.
>> There's no reason a lower-level interface couldn't be available, too,
>> if necessary.
> The configuration setup for pyplusplus is much more terse than pyste 

Then why am I being told it isn't as easy?

>> > He nor I mean no disrespect to Bruno, pyste is a good bindings
>> > generator but it has hard design limits in it and Roman gives a
>> > pretty good overview of those.
>> The tone could be more neutral, with all the facts and less gloating
>> (well, "gloating" is not quite the right word but I can't think of a
>> better one right now).
> I very much doubt if I could write in a non-gloating style in Spanish 
> or German. You have to use the words and phrases you know and do the 
> best you can. Unfortunately they often don't carry the tone you mean.

I wasn't condemning anyone; I was just saying the page can be

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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