[C++-sig] Base class defined in other header file notincludedin bp::bases<>

Haridev, Meghana mharidev at qualcomm.com
Wed Jul 26 21:01:26 CEST 2006

Hi Roman,


I tried your second approach since it goes better with our environment.
I made some changes (highlighted in bold below) to get it to run. It
works fine till I come to the point where I need to write the module to
multiple files (or even just a single file).


mb = module_builder_t( ... )

mb.class_('baseB').include() #because baseB defined in header file in
diff directory

mb.build_code_creators( ... )


from pyplusplus import code_creators


baseB = mb.class_( 'baseB' )

baseB_creators \

        = code_creators.creator_finder.find_by_declaration(

                     lambda decl: decl is baseB #what to look

                     , mb.code_creator ) #where


#now, we have to leave only class_t and class_wrapper_t code creators

relevant_clss = ( code_creators.class_t, code_creators.class_wrapper_t )


baseB_creators = filter( lambda c: isinstance( c, relevant_clss ),
baseB_creators )


for c in baseB_creators:

         c.create = lambda self: ''


mb.split_module( os.path.abspath('.') )



I get this error:


  File "generate_code.py", line 80, in export

    mb.split_module( os.path.abspath('.') )

  File "...pyplusplus/module_builder/builder.py", line 224, in

    file_writers.write_multiple_files( self.code_creator, dir_name )

  File "...pyplusplus/file_writers/__init__.py", line 32, in


  File "...pyplusplus/file_writers/multiple_files.py", line 253, in

    map( self.split_class, class_creators )

  File "...pyplusplus/file_writers/multiple_files.py", line 171, in

    self.__split_class_impl( class_creator )

  File "...pyplusplus/file_writers/multiple_files.py", line 148, in

    , [class_creator] ))

  File "...pyplusplus/file_writers/multiple_files.py", line 126, in

    answer.append( creator.wrapper.create() )

TypeError: <lambda>() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)



Seems like it doesn't like the empty string we give to create...


I also tried just writing the module to a single file:

mb.write_module( os.path.join( os.path.abspath('.'),
settings.module_name + '.cpp' ) )


  File "...pyplusplus/module_builder/builder.py", line 215, in

    file_writers.write_file( self.code_creator, file_name )

  File "...pyplusplus/file_writers/__init__.py", line 28, in write_file


  File "...pyplusplus/file_writers/single_file.py", line 24, in write

    self.write_file( self.file_name, self.extmodule.create() )

  File "...pyplusplus/code_creators/code_creator.py", line 93, in create

    code = self._create_impl()

  File "...pyplusplus/code_creators/module.py", line 195, in

    code = compound.compound_t.create_internal_code(
self.creators[index:] )

  File "...pyplusplus/code_creators/compound.py", line 56, in

    internals = map( lambda expr: expr.create(), creators )

  File "...pyplusplus/code_creators/compound.py", line 56, in <lambda>

    internals = map( lambda expr: expr.create(), creators )

TypeError: <lambda>() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)


Any suggestions?






-----Original Message-----
From: c++-sig-bounces+mharidev=qualcomm.com at python.org
[mailto:c++-sig-bounces+mharidev=qualcomm.com at python.org] On Behalf Of
Roman Yakovenko
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 1:35 AM
To: Development of Python/C++ integration
Subject: Re: [C++-sig] Base class defined in other header file
notincludedin bp::bases<>


On 7/13/06, Haridev, Meghana <mharidev at qualcomm.com> wrote:

> In other words, I want the generated code to look like this:

>     /* bp::class_< baseB >( "baseB" );  - Do not want to generate */


>     bp::class_< baseA >( "baseA" );


>     bp::class_< derivedC, bp::bases< baseA, baseB > >( "derivedC" );


It is possible, but you will have to understand a little how code

creators works.

There are few ways to solve the problem.


1. Exclude baseB from being generated, and add it manually to derivedC.

    Take a look on pyplusplus/code_creators/class_declaration.py -

class "class_t",

    method - _generate_bases. You will have to redefine this method,

    like this:


    def my_generate_bases( self, base_creators ):

        if self.declaration.Name != 'derivedC':

            run current code


            your logic is going her


   pyplusplus.code_creators.class_t._generate_bases = my_generate_bases


2. You can include baseB to be generated, but instead of generating code

    will generate empty string:


    mb = module_builder_t( ... )

    mb.build_code_creators( ... )


    from pyplusplus import code_creators


    baseB = mb.class_( 'baseB' )


    baseB_creators \

        = code_creators.creator_finder.find_by_declaration(

                     lambda decl: decl is baseB #what to look

                     , mb.code_creator ) #where

    #now, we have to leave only class_t and class_wrapper_t code

     relevant_clss = ( code_creators.class_t,
code_creators.class_wrapper_t )

     baseB_creators = filters( lambda c: isinstance( c, relevant_clss )

     for c in baseB_creators:

         c.create = lambda self: ''


Second approach is better, because in this case pyplusplus will take

into account

all data available from baseB, but will not generate code.




Roman Yakovenko

C++ Python language binding



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