[C++-sig] [Boost.Python] Extracting indirect base.

Sebastian Redl sebastian.redl at getdesigned.at
Fri Jun 9 14:27:20 CEST 2006


I've got a hand-wrapped plugin interface hierarchy for my program
allowing implementing plugins in Python. This looks approximately like this:

class Plugin
  virtual void init() = 0;
  virtual PluginCategory getCategory() = 0; // Subtype of the plugin
  // ...

class InputPlugin : public Plugin
  virtual void loadData(const string &resource, DataBag &target) = 0;

class OutputPlugin : public Plugin
  virtual void saveData(const string &resource, const DataBag &source) = 0;

These are the plugin interfaces. PluginCategory is an enum identifying
the concrete subtype of the plugin, i.e. either Input or Output.

I've got them wrapped like this:

class PluginWrap : public Plugin, public boost::python::wrapper<Plugin>
  virtual void init() { this->get_override("init")(); }
  // ...

class InputPlugin : public InputPlugin, public
  virtual void loadData(...) { ... }

// ...

  class_<PluginWrap, boost::noncopyable>("Plugin")
    .def("init", pure_virtual(&Plugin::init))
    .def( ... )

  class_<InputPluginWrap, bases<PluginWrap>,
    .def("loadData", ...)

  // ...

A plugin file looks like this:

from myprogram import *

class SomePlugin(InputPlugin):
  def init(self):
    // ...

  // ...

plugins = [SomePlugin()]

I then attempt to load these modules like this:

PythonLoader::load(const path &file)
  // Parse file and get namespace object for it. Get the "plugins" list
and extract a python::list. Get the length of that list.
  python::list plugs = ...;
  int len = // get length of plugs

  for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
    try {
      py::object plug = plugs[i];
      Plugin *plugin = py::extract<Plugin *>(plug); // <-------------
    } catch(py::error_already_set &e) {
      // handle error

Finally, my problem: the extract<Plugin*> call fails:
TypeError: No registered converter was able to extract a C++ pointer to
type Plugin from this Python object of type SomePlugin

So here are my questions:
1) Is this expected behaviour? Does my wrapping not register the
appropriate base pointer extractors?
2) How can I manually register appropriate converters?
3) If 2 is not possible, how can I work around the problem?

Thanks in advance
Sebastian Redl

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